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i just wanted to note that every post i have seen on here is something that 10 seconds of searching would reveal the suggested mod. also i would like the know if anyone that reads this is an active modder. i would be surprised if there were any actual modders that read this.
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i just wanted to note that every post i have seen on here is something that 10 seconds of searching would reveal the suggested mod. also i would like the know if anyone that reads this is an active modder. i would be surprised if there were any actual modders that read this.


Ah, really? Excellent. I suppose you could be a dear then and please link me to the current working version of the Skyrim moogle-race mod then? No? Didn't think so.


For one thing, there are many post requests within the first five pages for which appropriate mods do not exist. So you'd be wrong on that count.

Within the first five pages, also, there are many mod requests which can plainly be seen to have been looked at, and fulfilled by someone, or else being worked on. so you'd be wrong on that count too.


If you -actually- looked beyond your nose you'd have found the answer to your question, which is highly ironic.

Another irony, in that the most pointless thing on the front page is, most likely, this post of yours.

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I am a modder, I look at this page mostly to see if someone wants a mod about an idea that I am think about, while there is some mods request that have a mod for it, saying that all of them have a mod for it is innacurate for sure... There is actually a few modder that take requests and will look at this page.
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I've taken a few suggestions off this forum, so it isn't a complete waste, but I agree that a significant number of "requesters" here should try searching for their mod before requesting it. There are many times where I've typed the post title into the Nexus search and found exactly what they were looking for.


However, even if most of the threads posted here are, well, pretty dumb IMO, as long as one decent request gets made into a mod, then this forum has served its purpose.

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I think there are a lot of modders looking at this forum. I made a requested mod recently. Ok, it was not a big thing, could be done within a day. But be aware that modding is not a full time job. It's not a job at all, it's a hobby. Most modders just don't have the time to make a big overhaul mod on request. And it's not only doing the mod, it has to be tested, supported, updated if necessary....



Btw, what's with my request for a pigs mod? No one has made it yet. :(

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Har Har.


There is quite much among us who actively look at the mod request pages.

However, the requests are mainly too:


> pinpoint, "I want this exact piece of armor. Nothing else will do" <- and as a sidenote, the armor is usually from movie, game, or something, and it's usually not even the best looking armor.


> Too highly detailed, Too much explanations for mod, how to make it, how to do it, how it must be and so on. Modder can't use his "Personal touch" on the mod at all.


> Just lame, "I want this :hurr: :dance: :hurr: "


> Impossible to do/ Requires really much experience with CK, Scripting, modeling and everything, " I'd like to get this unique mechanic to work on gamebryo which was used in frostbite 2.0"


> Person who requests something is acting like bag of hammers. " Omg this has not been done already? Bethesda did not do it? :hurr: :hurr: If nobody is doing htis nexus sucks"


> Language restriction. How in Oblivion any of us is supposed to fulfill request we can't understand because of horrible English.



Still, sometimes great mods start from here. (But not often)

The makers of those big overhauls ain't reading this part of the forum. It's mainly us, the lesser modders. :biggrin:

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Moved. As this is not a mod request, it is in the wrong forum. This one is actually for requesting mods and not telling us we have been doing this all wrong for the last 11 years - that is an entirely different forum. Moved to Nexus Feedback Suggestions and questions forum.


We have a forum for requests on each game. Where would you have people make their requests if we didn't? Yes, some people will make dumb requests or ask for something that a simple search will turn up a dozen of. But if we didn't have a place for this they would just make the same posts and clutter up some other forum. (they often do anyway because they haven't realized yet that unlike the kiddie forums they are used to we have more than one forum here) :rolleyes:


And - sometimes there really are good ideas that modders pick up. And sometimes, when someone else doesn't want to do it, the requester actually learns to mod and does it themselves. :thumbsup: So keep the requests coming.

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to he modders that replied thank you, i got my answer in spades. i'm sure we have all seen that forum or posted on in only to relieze it's been dead for some time. while i KNOW skyrim modding is not dead i was not sure if had gotten to that point which modders no longer wished to take idea (or atleast go looking for them.) i know this sounded like a bash on the site but it's quite the opposite. i simply wanted an answer and received one. i still stand by the fact that i'v watched the forums for three night in a row and my forehead got sore from face palming but that is none of your faults and actually only speaks to the success of the site and it's forums. there was in fact a reason i put it in mod request and that is because i was talking TOO that channel. since my goal was achieve i couldn't care less if you deleted the thread only after printing it out and using it as toilet paper. but if there were a "suggestion" in all this rambling nonsense it would be for a sticky to remind people that the mod request is for mods that DON'T exist yet and that the thread is not there own google searcher.
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Speaking of face-palming and using the search function, that pesky search can reveal interesting things,

such as a previously banned user called "purenrgiii".


You are right, you can get results by using 'Search'. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/rolleyes.gif

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