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Halo + Fallout =


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Your content is outdated and crappy.



I dont think they look crappy at all.


agreed. they don't look bad at all. and GTFO for saying something like that. It's one thing to say, hey i have these higher quality ones if you want and another one to call someones work crap. piss off.

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No. Its crap. Halo 2 quality rips are crap and always will be. Halo 2 was made when the normal mapping engine was still new. And right now it is perfected. Halo 2 has normal maps that were made for the normal mapping engine of that time. And I dont care if you have a higher quality one or not. I made better ones anyways.




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DEEL your social skills are about as honed as the elephant mans, go practice talking to human beings before you come in here spewing virtual diarrhea. Congratulations, you're good at this, but it doesn't give you the right to walk in and act like your Jesus. Have some common courtesy or get out.
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DEEL skree was planning to uprez and add more detail to the models, I have seen other stuff by him and know that this stuff is still in the prototype stage.

Always make sure to do research before making a comment and even then it is important to be polite. Its best to use constructive criticism.


An good example: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showto...93124&st=90

That is a model by FlickOne he uprezed and textured.

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DEElekgolo, get some manners and learn to be polite. Also, feel free to create your own thread for your works. You can work with other modders to create a larger mod and reduce double-work but not if insults are thrown out.


Also note (to everyone) that if ANY models are uploaded here at TESNexus that had their beginnings from models in other games, they will be deleted. It does not matter if you made all kinds of changes, improvements, etc. If the base model was not yours, none of it is yours. That is the cold hard facts and truth. The only exception is if there was a license in place that allows for kit-bashing (which no retail game that I know of allows for this...including Halo). You can import a model from another game and use it as a reference to create your own but it has to be 100% yours...not a modification to another model.


Weasel_Scourge and others, be careful about attacking other members and using vulgar language as well. I have let everyone "slide" this time but if I see any further problems, I will not hesitate to wield my Hammer of Justice.


LHammonds (Admin)

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