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Should we do a new wiki?


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I thought I'd start with using the Pi just to test the wiki out (Adding some lines, playing around) and after a while upgrade to a proper server. Personally I'm more comfortable with either having my own or optionally outsourcing to a friend of mine who rents out server space.

But I'm open to suggestions of course.

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I thought I'd start with using the Pi just to test the wiki out (Adding some lines, playing around) and after a while upgrade to a proper server. Personally I'm more comfortable with either having my own or optionally outsourcing to a friend of mine who rents out server space.

But I'm open to suggestions of course.

Well, I really hope whoever will actually "run" the server will be here a long time ...

(or maybe let people download "full backups of all the articles", like everything in a nice zip file ..., just in case)

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Commitment to long term support is the biggest issue. Imagine hundreds of hours of content is created by hopeful participants and then "lost" because:


The domain name expires.

The server/software subscription runs out.

The server/software stops being maintained and the [insert tech] stops working.

Admins stop admining because they get jobs/lives/wives.

The site is hacked and hijacked.

People fight, loose interest or are just people.


Seen it all before ...

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Commitment to long term support is the biggest issue. Imagine hundreds of hours of content is created by hopeful participants and then "lost" because:


The domain name expires.

The server/software subscription runs out.

The server/software stops being maintained and the [insert tech] stops working.

Admins stop admining because they get jobs/lives/wives.

The site is hacked and hijacked.

People fight, loose interest or are just people.


Seen it all before ...


That's why I want the ability to "download the whole site as a 'personal backup'", just in case ....


Becaue people are, well people, like you said ...

(And I trust a backup that I can actually hold in my hand more then other people or anything else, that's for sure!)

Edited by YouDoNotKnowMyName
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The sensible thing to do at first, and foremost overall,


would be to address Nexus directly per SSK50s statement that;


"Articles aren't indexed via Google".


That appears to be true, and is a real problem regardless of a new wiki.

It indexes Description and Posts, so why not Articles? :mad:

Something is up with that and That needs to be addressed directly and by all means.


Some of those Articles are really insightful, and nary only a few overall will ever make it over to a new wiki.

So Nexus should still be strongly encouraged to get Articles to be indexed.

And, Nexus Should make them more easily retrieved via search & listings.


"Not to reinvent the wheel just make a better tire."

(in this case- one where the rubber actually meets the road). :ermm:


As per YouDoNotKnowMyName's concern,

if it's ever FOMO information I create a shortcut and copy the text and store locally/intelligently.

That way I know where it came from (for reference), and what it said/was in case it goes missing.

Incidentally, that's how I retrieve links so readily. :ninja:

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As per YouDoNotKnowMyName's concern,

if it's ever FOMO information I create a shortcut and copy the text and store locally/intelligently.

That way I know where it came from (for reference), and what it said/was in case it goes missing.

Incidentally, that's how I retrieve links so readily. :ninja:

Yeah, but a link only works if the "website" is still there ....

(I don't know why, but I have this irrational fear of "the internet stopping to work", that's why I have TBs of stuff saved on hard drives, "just in case" ... )

(I like to be self-reliant, as much as it is possible, especially when it comes to "information" and the storge thereof).

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Not a disagreement, the Internet goes down in all sorts of ways.

Like I said make *.txt file, (saves TBs), easily searchable too (use Agent Ransack).


But yeah, already sensing all sorts of potential control issues surrounding this topic.


Seems like Thousande and SSK50 have some means of tapping into old wiki, that would be "second priority one".

But yeah, one thing at a time...

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Agree. Google index is important. So is sustainability.

Sites needs some baby sitting. Good faith is always needed, I guess, but high level internet trolls can pop up everywhere anytime :tongue:.


The current Wiki runs on MediaWiki, I beliive. Same software as Wikipedia. I think MediaWiki has export/import functionality.

Not sure if super user access is required for these operations. I am still locked out from the current wiki.




Not sure if the github / gitlab wiki is an alternative. It may be too narrow / lack required features in this case, but I am throwing it out here.

The papyrus-lang project have moved some info to github/wiki,



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