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So, I destroyed Dragonborn


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Thats right, I completed the entirety of the content in the Dragonborn DLC in 8 hours. Main quest + all sidequests and locations and what not. I know this because I went on UESP and unless they're missing something (which I doubt) then I've done everything the DLC has to offer.


And this was on one of my actual, Lets sit and play the game characters (rather than the ones I built to be a part of stories or just to screw around with).



All in all, the DLC was a major disappointment, and this is coming from someone who went in completely unbiased (I had actually completely forgotten what was all in Dragonborn. It didn't hit me that we could ride dragons until I got to ride one). For one, obviously, it was massively short in regards to main quest, and content wise the MQ was severely underwhelming. Miraak was inconsequential, HM was more annoying than menacing (and his realm just bland) and I felt that the apparent apocalyptic conditions of the island were completely overblown. In fact, the main drive behind me chugging along in the main quest was just to get rid of that god awful sky (which has to be different from the normal Skyrim sky, because even after the MQ it still looked like complete crap and made my game look a lot worse than it should) moreso than anything else. The rewards were meh, and I actually find the Nordic Carved armor to be the best addition (aside from the modding assets anyway) of the DLC as a whole.


And as for the rest of the content, it was painfully obvious that the vast majority of it was just throwbacks to Morrowind which was just gross because they did it far, far too much. Seeing Red Mountain was a nice touch, and of course the Morrowind Architecture was nice to see, but other than that the throwbacks were tired and obvious. What wasn't a throw back was pretty much just boring reiterations of whats already present in the vanilla game.


What really pissed me off though as I ran around the island was that how much the island was different. I can understand things changing in 200 years, but there's no way Solstheim would end up the way it is in DB in 200 years, even with Red Mountain exploding ash all over the southern half of the island. Also doesn't explain why half the landmarks that should be immovable have moved all around the island (earth stone biggest culprit) or why certain places unreasonably grew larger than they were. Yes, yes one could argue that making the island accurate to how it was in Morrowind would be a throwback, but that's not the point.

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Don't hold back - tell us how you really feel. Just joking.


Actually, I'm quite interested in reviews from players here at the Nexus as I found the previous DLC to be rather disappointing and am not sure if I want to get this latest one just yet. If I do get it, it'll be sometime down the road and then likely for the potential resources, but from what I've seen in some other posts, even that potential may not make it worthwhile.

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Don't hold back - tell us how you really feel. Just joking.


Actually, I'm quite interested in reviews from players here at the Nexus as I found the previous DLC to be rather disappointing and am not sure if I want to get this latest one just yet. If I do get it, it'll be sometime down the road and then likely for the potential resources, but from what I've seen in some other posts, even that potential may not make it worthwhile.


I already feel it's better than Dawnguard, and I'm maybe 6 hours in (3-4 quests into main story, and side quests). This might be from MW nostalgia, but the environments are pretty awesome, and the dungeons are a step up from previous ones (in terms of puzzles/traps). New gear is cool, all the Dunmer sound British, and yeah. It's pretty great.


If you are really put off, then wait for a steam sale. But if you played MW, then you will love it. Even without the nostalgia, it's great.


I will definitely be making a new character to come here asap after I finish on my level 40+.

Edited by matthias5770
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I'm 12 hours in and I haven't even started the Dragonborn main questline.


This DLC is awesome but haters are always gonna hate. Sucks to be a hater.


This one is a true gamer.

Seriously why the hell do you need to rush a game?


I wasn't even rushing. I was just playing and eventually I ran out of discerinible things to do other than walk around, but I had already done all that in-between and during quests. The island isn't very big and almost all of the quests take you all around the island rather efficiently.

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about the Summit of Apocrypha and defeating Miraak , it's best to destroy all the dragons first including the friendly one, and then fight Miraak, he has a bug where he may freeze in his invulnerable state ghost like with protective barrier shield and you wont be able to defeat him, also it's best to distract him with conjuration spills and sneak up on him with enchanted gauntlets with the shrouded back stab enchantment on the gauntlets and it's good to enchant the gauntlets with single handed and double handed weapon handling, there are mods here that allow multiple enchantments!..


I killed the dragons first and stayed hidden behind the ruined pile of books making sure Miraak didn't go transparent invulnerable state glitch before trying to kill him, the wiki skyrim dragonborn reports the transparent invulnerable bug too!, it took me four restarts from entering Apocrypha. because of the transparent invulnerable state glitch bug!..

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