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So, I destroyed Dragonborn


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I only experienced one bug that made any difference, which I suspect was mod related anyway. When riding a Dragon for the first time the Dragon would fly off while my character remained behind just sitting there in mid-air. I found a solution for it though and experienced nothing else major, nothing that springs to mind anyway.


I did have one other bug, though it didn't break anything and was actually quite amusing. When sailing towards Solstheim my character somehow fell through the deck of the boat but kept moving. It basically looked like we were travelling by the first ever Nordic submarine. It was quite funny untill I almost drowned, nothing the console couldn't take care of though (tgm and tcl).


My point is, bugs are not always the fault of the DLC itself, but how other things interact with it. Wether it's mods or your system, it's not always the fault of the DLC alone. I've heard of people experiencing tons of bugs, I on the other hand encountered very few, which applies to Dragonborn, Dawnguard and Skyrim.

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In nutshell: I arrived at Solstheim at around my 173rd gameplay hour. Right now I'm at 202. That's 29 hours so far (I returned to the mainland only once, to dump a few sets of armor and other useful materials in my house in Solitude, so it's about 28 hours), and I still have unfinished quests like "The Kagrumez Trials", "Kolbjorn Barrow", "Lost Legacy" or "Filial Bonds". And there are still unvisited locations.


I missed a few things from the DLC (I wanted to ride that poor silt strider so bad, or at least ensure the survival of her species by digging up some silt strider cocoons as a side quest) but by and large it brought back some pleasant memories


Bugs: only a couple. I had to use the console the get the key to the Abandoned Lodge because none of the Thalmor agents dropped it. I've had a few silent crashes to desktop: I chalk it up to the fairly large number of loaded mods (123). But this DLC definitely gave me the incentive to re-play Morrowind once more.

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I finished it and I must say that it was rather underwhelming. At least Dawnguard had CHARACTERS. Serana, Harkon, Isran, etc. They all had faces, histories, motives, personalities.. Dragonborn seemed all flash and no substance. Miraak was hugely underwhelming. Harkon was a good villain because you saw and talked to him often, especially as a vampire. Miraak was just kind of.. there. You only see him twice in the entire campaign, and the second time is to kill him. The Skaal could have used a lot of background as Herma-Mora's enemies; more exposition on their history would have done the trick.


I did like Solstheim- it's a cool place with plenty to do. The free house is great, the variety of NPCs is nice.. Overall, the setting is good. But the depth just isn't there.

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I finished it and I must say that it was rather underwhelming. At least Dawnguard had CHARACTERS. Serana, Harkon, Isran, etc. They all had faces, histories, motives, personalities.. Dragonborn seemed all flash and no substance. Miraak was hugely underwhelming. Harkon was a good villain because you saw and talked to him often, especially as a vampire. Miraak was just kind of.. there. You only see him twice in the entire campaign, and the second time is to kill him. The Skaal could have used a lot of background as Herma-Mora's enemies; more exposition on their history would have done the trick.


I did like Solstheim- it's a cool place with plenty to do. The free house is great, the variety of NPCs is nice.. Overall, the setting is good. But the depth just isn't there.

Solstheim certainly had a lot more depth than 90% of NPCs in Skyrim...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got Dragonborn yesterday. I played for about 6 hours using the unofficial Dragonborn patch, since I was warned that it's buggy without the patch. I haven't encountered a single bug so far (since I'm playing with the patch). I LOVE IT!!! I think it's an excellent expansion, and I can't wait to play it again tonight. I've only just begun the main quest. I can't imagine that anyone can do "everything" in the expansion in only 8 hours. It seems like they must have rushed through everything.


I LOVE the Morrowind feel. I'm enjoying this expansion even more than Dawnguard.

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I've been playing Dragonborn for a day. (Technically two days, but Hermeus Mora blessed my character's face with a permanent bug so I had to go back to an old save, kill Harkon again, rebuild Lakeview Manor, re-adopt my children, and then go back to explore Solstheim all over again.)


I can't comment on the lenght since I haven't even touched the main questline yet, but so far, I guess I think it's kinda boring? It's basically just Skyrim except covered in ash, which just makes it kinda depressing. Everyone seems to get all excited about how much it reminds them about Morrowind, but if this is what Morrowind is like I'm not sure I even want to play it. I've already grabbed most of the new armors, the new enemies aren't very interesting, the bandits are called reavers now for no discernable reason. Right now I'm mostly just exploring for the novelty appeal.


I guess I do like the music. Also, I've found some pretty awesome Dwemer ruins. All in all, I hope this DLC can still surprise me.


Oh, and the whole thing is really buggy. Seriously, DB is way more bugged than both Dawnguard and Hearthfire.



The rewards were meh, and I actually find the Nordic Carved armor to be the best addition (aside from the modding assets anyway) of the DLC as a whole.


It's the Skal outfit for me. I have no real need for armors, so they end up decorating my mannequins, but I love having an outfit that actually looks like it might allow my character to survive a snowstorm.

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This DLC is awesome but haters are always gonna hate. Sucks to be a hate




Really? hater? let me give you an example of a real "hater" who deserves the title.


example: the DLCs SUCKS, BETHESDA SUCKS, I wont my money back, its garbage, its to hard/soft/easy/cheesyblablablabla


See the difference?


Its obvious "imperistan" did not like the DLC but he states why. He tries explaining and is all around civilized so at most he is critical but not a hater!


Let me hold you a mirror, after just one line of text you have allready decided that "imperistan" is a hater without taking neither time nor effort to explain how you came to this conclusion. This my friend is called "ignorance" or in Internet terms (made up by me of course) "ignorantia".


So you dont share imperistans opinion? well you are not alone I also dont agree with him 100% but either I decide to reply him in a similar civilized manner stating my point of view or I just leave it be and move on.


This is the stuff that ruins what could be a great community of gamers.




If you wanna be heard, try avoiding "crass" terms like "piss me off" or like that. This shows that you are taking it to personally as if Bethesda was a guy who insulted you which is not the case. If you make a good point which is and sounds reasonable, you might actually end up helping Bethesda creating better games but telling them "Hey I am unhappy make me happy" just wont do.


Besides, for christs sake, you can beat Skyrims MQ very fast if you want to, that does not mean Skyrim has not enough content does it?

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I have to disagree with you. The main quest was short, granted but there was enough content to last maybe 30 hours for me.

I thought "wait what? that's it?", after killing Miraak and saving Raven Rock but there was still a lot to do after, digging up Ahzidal (loved these quests) was a lot of fun and rewarding, finding all the black books, clearing the dwarven ruins, running errands for Neloth.


Since I never played Morrowind and only watched a few Youtube videos about it, I can't say it was nostalgia either.


Only downsides I could find, but these are mostly personal preferences, were


-No big, long MQ and instead a lot of smaller quest chains.

-Forced to become Herma Moras servant. I didn't like being forced into Nocturnals service if I wanted to complete the thieves guild chain and I liked it even less. There should have been an option to kill Miraak without Moras help

-Players actions didn't really matter, no one treated you differently

-All the settlements felt really small.. like 4-5 houses on the side of the road. It's the same with Skyrim though so it has nothing to do with this DLC.

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