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Make the individual permission optional when the modder allowed the redistribution and the mod can be turned as a requirement


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Hello everybody!


I understand nexusmods wants to protect the authors' property rights but when a modder explicity allowed the redistribution of his work on the mod's page where's the use of forcing people to get a personal permission to redistribute when anyone can turn said mod into a requirement for his work and when everybody already knows the author's point of view on the question?


Let's imagine a modder allowed people to redistribute his/her work, this author is no longer active and the mod is more than a plugin and also contains custom meshes and textures for example.


In this situation wouldn't it be better for everybody if any other modder can include these creations in his/her work without having to ask the author as long as the original files are required?


This is a win-win agreement, the mod authors would more easily include other people's work in their creations and these creations would increase the downloads and donation points for their original authors.

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  • 2 months later...

Redistribution permission is different from asset use permission. Simply because you have one doesn't mean you automatically possess the other, regardless of whether the mod author is gone from the scene or not. If the permissions page / license doesn't give you permission to use the assets in your own mod, then you still need individual permission from the mod author.


Since I'm not a moderator hopefully one will chime in soon and explain how Nexus Mods officially approaches a situation like the one you are describing.

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