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Outwar.com can suck my phallus


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My god, the rant has turned into a serious discussion about anti-demonic-software software (and yes, I do use the scientific term).


After all these supports to Ad-aware, I've taken it upon my self to download it.


Could these 2.05 megabytes be the Jesus to my problems?

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Holy sweet mother of god help me... I've done all that was listed here, google, spybot, ad-aware, system restore and more...


If this goes on much longer, I am going to rip of someones face and toss it aside, laughing!


I'm becoming a broken shell of a man!!!


Ahh! Gorblimy!!! Just in that last sentence, I cancelled four more manifestations of this... stuff.

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1) Backup all important files to cdr.


2) Reformat.


3) Create a separate partition for windows and only windows.


4) When things get too bad again, simply reformat the windows partition and reinstall (everything else can stay as it is).

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My computer is too big to reformat... Grumble...

That's exactly why you create a separate partition just big enough for windows, so when the inevitable trouble happens reformatting/reinstalling is easy.

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Or use the penultimate spyware/virus cure: Get a Mac and grin at others as they are overcome with the fear of the latest designer virus. Watch bad popups, well, never and the good ones (like the one for my online banking) go through with ease.


Be amazed as it actually gets things done!


Or lock down your Windows system with so many anti-virus -spyware -popups -firewalls -security features that you wonder what drove you to that in the first place (is the cure worse than the disease?) and be marveled as, despite your best efforts, spyware and the like still crawl on to your system and you cry silently as you yet again delete all your cookies and defrag your hard drive (who came up with that!? Defrag your hard drive to remove viruses and malware!? Come on!).


Or, do as I did, and use the PC just for "fun and games" and the Mac for your really important stuff. It's like being both right and left handed at the same time. I let the Windows system get littered up and then once every half a year (more if necessary) I perform a fresh reload of Windows 2000.


And please do not flame me for mentioning a Mac. That really is how I use it, and it has worked reliably that way for 10 years now. And after switching to OS X, nearly all the problems of "Macs aren't compatible" have gone away.

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C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\PLUGINS\runtimes.exe is trying to connect to www.outwar.com. Do you want to allow this program to access the network?









I want to give crazy thanks to Marxist ßastard for suggesting Sygate Firewall, that program is kicking unwanted ass left and right!


And all along it was a program called runtimes.exe...


I don't even recall having that on my computer before this...


Ah well...


Thanks to all...


I still want to take some form of arcane weapons to those servers though...

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