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No Plane of Oblivian


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Hey Folks,


I'm trying to do the Bruma Gate quest in the main quest of the game but I find that when I step through the Oblivian Gate I'm not being transported to the plane of oblivian, it's just an empty gate that goes back to the outside of the walls of Bruma....???


Has anyone else had this problem/glitch with the game?? If I can't resolve this issue I guess the main quest of the game is over for me.....:(


Help Please!!!


I'm running the game on Windows 7 64-bit OS


Currently Level-2


Update: I found the answer....?? I didn't remember having to activate the Kvatch gate but I guess I did....D'oh.... :wallbash:

Edited by Jeffron
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Currently Level-2


Wow! Going through the Bruma gate at level 2? How did you manage to go through the main quest, and not level up?

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Currently Level-2


Wow! Going through the Bruma gate at level 2? How did you manage to go through the main quest, and not level up?


Hmmm??....I don't know, should I have leveled up more by now?....I'd only completed the first 5 quests of the entire main quest prior to #6 "Bruma Gate".....*shrugs*

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Currently Level-2


Wow! Going through the Bruma gate at level 2? How did you manage to go through the main quest, and not level up?


Hmmm??....I don't know, should I have leveled up more by now?....I'd only completed the first 5 quests of the entire main quest prior to #6 "Bruma Gate".....*shrugs*


I've usually passed level 2 before I get to Jauffre at Weynon Priory, and that's if I don't take long detours or side quests.

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Well that is strange then....I didn't go to level 2 until sometime during or just after Dragon Shrine quest....??.... :unsure:


I have a couple more question....I can't seem to capture the souls of any of the higher guardians of the Sigel stone/s (Dremora Churls etc.) in the Azura Star. When I try, I keep getting the message that I don't have a soul gem large enough in my inventory to capture these souls....??


I'm carrying several smaller soul gems in my inventory along with the Azura Star. Do I have to drop the smaller ones or is there something I have to do to activate the Azura Star...??


Also....How many souls will I be able to capture in the star before emptying it, Providing I'm able to use it that is...??... :unsure:

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The gem "is" empty. So what kind of souls can I collect in the star that has decent magical attribues for enchantment purposes?


I have been sleeping but not a lot. Does more sleep cause leveling up quicker than actually doing more battles?

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At level 2 you will not be finding any creatures that fill a grand soul gem. You will be lucky to find creatures of greater. What you're likely to get is overwhelmingly petty creatures, with a few lesser, and the occasional common.


Sleeping will not gain you experience. You will only get that by doing quests, killing creatures (blade, blunt, marksman, etc), sneaking, running, jumping, buying and selling, etc. All the things that advance your traits.

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If you can find any grand soul gems and happen to be traveling between Skingrad and Anvil on the right day (specifically between Fyrelight Cave and Ra'sava Camp) and you see a strange beam of purplish light shining down you'll be in luck, providing you also have a soul trap spell. You'll find more details on the UESP Wiki page for Black Soul Gems.


- Edit - Azura's Star can't be used to capture NPC souls ... it's a Grand Soul Gem not a Black Soul Gem. More info here.

Edited by Striker879
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If you're not using a leveling mod, you have to sleep when it tells you or you don't level. It's the only thing I could think of when you say you're only level 2 but going through the Bruma gate. The other possibility is that your 7 major skills aren't advancing but your minor ones are. Hickory is right. You should have picked up more levels by now.
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