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Logical Loots


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Skyrim loot logic is notorious- fresh produce in ancient caves, etc...

Would it be possible to create some kind of loot-flag system, where a dungeon's containers could remain random, but elliminate items which make no sense?

For instance, some sort of "If Ancient Nord Then- No food No Imperial" or "If Bandit then- Include All" or something?

(Forgive my clunky non-coder format. :D You get the idea though, I think...)

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AFAIK, there isn't any sort of keyword for dungeon cells that flag them as "Draugr Ruins," "Bandit Cave" or the like. The only method I can think of to do this is would be a near-complete manual replacement of almost every item and container in every dungeon, which would be fairly time consuming to say the least.
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AFAIK, there isn't any sort of keyword for dungeon cells that flag them as "Draugr Ruins," "Bandit Cave" or the like. The only method I can think of to do this is would be a near-complete manual replacement of almost every item and container in every dungeon, which would be fairly time consuming to say the least.




Not exactly.

You'd need to do "new" leveled lists, or just lists, that are more:

A) Draugr- like

B) Bandit- like

C) Forsworn- like



And attach them to dungeons and different lists.

No need to hand-place every item in these cells and chests :thumbsup: (There's difference :biggrin: )


Also, I am not sure if there's actually different lists for draugr and bandit dungeons already. Might be. (But the "balancing" in those is horrible by default)


There is it's own lists for:

Gems, jewelry, armors, dwarven items/clutter, clutter, consumables and so.

It wouldn't be huge miracle if there would actually be different lists for bandit and draugr dungeons.

Also, I don't remember seeing draugr weapons in bandit caves..


If nothing else would do the trick, it'd be possible to attach "Draugr-like" loot into the draugr weapon lists, thus, these items would only appear at locations where draugr weapons spawn (Thus result would be quite similar to what author asked for)

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Not exactly.

You'd need to do "new" leveled lists, or just lists, that are more:

A) Draugr- like

B) Bandit- like

C) Forsworn- like



How exactly would you change the leveled list inside of one container to have different contents depending on location without making new containers for each location type? Just as an example, lets say we wanted to get rid of fruit/vegetable items from barrels in Draugr Ruins. Since these barrels are the same containers as the ones used all over the rest of the world, the only way I can think of to change the contents of the ones inside certain dungeons would be to make a "copy" of the original container with new contents, and replace the original barrel with the new "plant-free" barrel.


I understand a lot of items laying about in dungeons are based off of leveled lists, but how would you go about dividing containers into new types without replacing the old ones?

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Not exactly.

You'd need to do "new" leveled lists, or just lists, that are more:

A) Draugr- like

B) Bandit- like

C) Forsworn- like



How exactly would you change the leveled list inside of one container to have different contents depending on location without making new containers for each location type? Just as an example, lets say we wanted to get rid of fruit/vegetable items from barrels in Draugr Ruins. Since these barrels are the same containers as the ones used all over the rest of the world, the only way I can think of to change the contents of the ones inside certain dungeons would be to make a "copy" of the original container with new contents, and replace the original barrel with the new "plant-free" barrel.


I understand a lot of items laying about in dungeons are based off of leveled lists, but how would you go about dividing containers into new types without replacing the old ones?




Didn't think about barrels TBH, but then again, I don't really remember seeing any barrels in nord dungeons. (Except in areas that are used by bandits or so ), but possibly there is.


I'd really need to get into CK to check couple of things.

1. Is there actually barrels in nordic dungeons

2. If there is: Do these already use different lists than "normal" barrels use.



By the way, has OP tried Morrowloot?

It's actually really close (Or at least was) to what you requested.


Original seems to be not-in-nexus at the moment.


Anyway, I'll try to inspect stuff in CK tomorrow, If I remember that is.



Just pointing out, realized that the barrel itself was not the point, but there is not so much "Non-lore-friendly/non-location-friendly" containers inside different sorts of dungeons by default. (If I remember correctly) But there is different sorts of containers with different loot. So it's possible that there is "nordic" and bandit variants already, but differences aren't just that huge by default.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Surprisingly, the produce actually bothers me a lot less than the hardware. What are imperial weapons doing in ancient nord tombs? Weirdly immersion-breaking for a wanna-be archeologist! *lol* It's like... "What do you mean, it's older than Clovis? Nothing is older than Clovis!" "Apparently, the Empire is, and they were really good at preserving produce, too." Could it be... I don't know? Ancient Aliens?! :biggrin:

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I am not saying it was ancient aliens..

But it was ancient aliens.

Err. Ayleids.
Ancient ayleids that is.

I am currently working DLC combination/unification patch to make DLC's feel a bit more "united"
Trying to achieve it by giving corresponding items for sale lists, editing some inventories, Possibly I could tinker around with those lists as well..
But initially I am trying to make merchant inventories "make sense"
As by default? There's quite alot "anomalies"

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