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Graphics Card Issue?


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I just got a new computer. It has a Xeon 1.5 GHz processor (can have 2 2.4 GHz processors in it!!! :bleh: ) and an NVIDIA Quadro 2 128MB graphics card. Morrowind SHOULD run like a dream on my machine...BUT... I skips like CRAZY!!!! Even on 800x600 INDOORS it skips. I think that is may be a problem with the compatibility of my graphics card because the Quadro series is more for professional uses like multiple monitors and isn't very compatible with games. Should I purchase a new graphics card or do I have another proble????
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Quadwhat? :P I'd suggest getting a new card. Like an NVIDIA GeForce Ti4200, or a Radeon 9600 or higher. Also, I'm not sure Xeon processors are that good, I remember this forum was on a dual Xeon server for a while and it crashed quite often :P


And what's your RAM? I've noticed before this is a BIG factor in how well the game runs. 128 is too low.

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Some older ATI Radeon card have a problem with rooms in morrowind where the fog setting is at 1. you have to go into the CS and change it to zero, otherwise you can't see anything in those rooms. I've run into this twice. Once in a room in Sotha Sil, and I can't remember the other room.

I don't know the specifics as to which ATI Radeon cards do this. So it might be advisable to go with NVIDIA. The drivers on the CD are really crappy too, so it is best to go the ATI's website and download updated drivers before you install a new card. But I love my Radeon graphics card otherwise.

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Certain games are built using technology that is favoured on one particular card and not another. Morrowind, well, I'm not sure about which card it runs best with. If you're playing normal games, not trying to play with the best graphics/resolution, go with an NVidia. Simply because they seem to have less troubles than ATI cards with different games. Still, I like ATI better.
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I had a Radeon 9200 for a while, and I found that the drivers on the cd (version 3.4 or something) were better than the new drivers (v4.2 and 4.4) The new drivers wouldn't let me play Battlefield 1942, and would only run Unreal in software. Nvidia cards do seem to have better performance with OpenGL, which Morrowind uses.
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*Pokes Witchking and points to the edit button*


Please use it. Thank you ;)


NVIDIA cards aren't exactly fault free. My GeForce2 MX400 died after a couple years, couldn't play anything beyond simple 2D/3D games on it or it got caught in an "infinite loop". Also my new GeForce4 Ti4200 has it's share of quirks, like suddenly deciding to make textures/graphics pop out from the screen and fuzz about all over the place that isn't fixed until I reboot. That usually happens after a full day of playing Morrowind :P

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