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What did you like about Dragonborn?


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my first playthrough I had some how skipped the Lost Legacy quest with Tharstan, and remember using tcl command to cheat my way through the quest without him

missing word wall's!..




my Second playthrough I did it with him and no cheating and found all the dragonword wall's, I watched youtube video's to figure out how to open doors and how to, I would have never figured out on my own what to do in that quest without watching youtube vodeo's!..

Edited by hard8
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I loved the fact that Bethesda again have done what they do better than any other game maker, namely created an open world, full of life and marvels, for us to freely explore. This in stark contrast to Dawnguard, which to me mostly felt like a patchwork of caves slapped onto Skyrim. In Solstheim, I again got that warm feeling of wonder and amazement from just wandering around, constantly being surprised by both the big things and the little details. The waves on the shores, for instance, added a lot to the atmosphere. So much, in fact, that when I traveled back to Skyrim the coast there felt almost dead in comparison. Apocrypha was better than Dawnguard's Soul Cairn both in respects to how it felt and looked, but also in the way of level design.


Some have said that they liked the music, and I did too. However, aside from seven or eight reused Morrowind tracks, and a few humming (in want of a better description) tracks in the caves, there were actually only four new real music pieces. I would have wished for a few more. Other things I missed were proper ash storms--there was talk about them, but nothing more--and more people and houses in Raven Rock.

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