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Blades of Morrowind comes to mind its got alot of new models but i can't seem to find a link for it,


I remember its got a bunch of stuff in it like

Master Sword (zelda)

Dragon Lance swords

Devil may cry sword

Nightmares sword from soul calibur

Blades Katana


And a whole bunch of other stuff. anyone know if its in the Morrowind source database?

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You might like "Particle Weapons Merchant" available here:




Down near the bottom of the page.  Pricey weapons, but very cool.

wow nice! thanks baph, i might download that one myself :P


EDIT: well i downloaded it and am at meldor's armory shop in Balmora. i see no particle weapons merchant, so it dont work :P

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My pleasure Switch...


There is another mod, the name of which escapes me at the moment, that downloads a bunch of weapons, most of which are pretty "iffy" in the cosmetics department, if you know I mean. But there's this one sword in particular that makes it worth downloading, called the "Ice Blade". 20-30 at it's best, has 400 enchantment points (Frost Damage, of course! (+25!)) and the blade itself is translucent, with just a tiny little purple hue to it. It's my new Fav Weapon.


There's also the "Ghost Dagger" - with an invisible blade! Laugh!!


If you want the name of the mod, I'd dig the file up for you... as I recall I found it on a pretty obscure littel 'page out there somewhere. You know how THAT goes.

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yeah... but as i said in my above post the particle weapons mod doesnt seem to work. i see no particle weapons merchant at meldor's place just him and the guard as usual
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