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Modding something for real. (To be built)


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If the whole point of this project is to create a sort of interactive movie of a real site, then surely some of the commercial design suites would be more suitable (or even a real estate-style dodgy 3D cam if you don't have much funds). If you felt you had to use a game engine, the Farcry engine would be more visually impressive in any case.


I guess my question is, why Morrowind? Why a fairly old game engine when there are so many newer and more suitable options available?

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  • 4 weeks later...

In reply to ATTI:


-we WANT to make Memod...We've started this because we want to make it...

your project is interesting but we already have a goal...


Now this is a reasonable answer. Unlike quite a few other responses I see that strike me as coming from 14 year olds.


I can relate to wanted to do an ME Mod since I love Tolkien too. Heck that's what we are doing in a way, only trying to make it realworld.


-make memod(make it look as tolkien has written),release it to public free..so the answer to your request from my side: after we've finished memod we can reconsider.


That's fine, actually I'd like to see that mod finished so I can play it too. I am little tired of standard morrowind and it's monsters.


-about money..do you think i was serious? naive thought...


Couldn't tell from the post and don't know your posting history.


I see nothing wrong with wanting to make money when there is money being made, we just aren't at that point and don't expect the mod to ever be a money oriented thing. It is just some to show how it will all look and so you can walk around in it and see it. It isn't a necessity in the sense of being a required input for the construction, but it is a useful and interesting way to sort out the design processs and get it all into a form that is coherent and lets you see how the pieces all relate. SO in theory it could prevent some design problems but mostly it is so others who really like the idea of the project can have something they can walk around in.


Morrowind seems lilke a natural platform since it has a good editor, wide installed base, fairly reasonable system requirements and it is a relatively stable and mature platform with a lot of talent that already understands the tools.


So that is the rationale behind the choice and the reason for the MOD.

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-The whole things just seems a bit fishy to me...But maybe I just misunderstand.


It gets confusing when you get people with an attitude trying to cast a negative light on things. There is nothing fishy. Anyone with any degree of common sense can do the research and find out that this is as legitimate as it gets.


You don't get the top designers and builders of the theme park industry to sign on for an idea if things are fishy.


-Let me try and get this straight:


-You are working on a facility for gamers/reenactments/etc...

-You want to build this facility virtually via a Morrowind mod

-You want us to be a part of the creation of this mod


More or less accurate though I am rapidly reaching the point where I could care less about the latter considering the attitude I see from some of the people here, who I would never want to work with anyway, nor would I hire them for pay with such attitudes either were the option available. I have to wonder how much useful work they actually do on the ME MOD for that matter.


-That's how I understood your posts to be, in which case I am confused as to what the purpose of this mod is.


See previous post to ATTI

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Guest kfmccall

So, you wanted to hire us over the net? Would we just send in work (concept art/models/etc) via email?


Was there pay involved?





Kevin M.


Oh, I would suggest using CAD for laying out this building plan, the morrowind engine isn't exactly a great architectual tool. Looking forward to your response.

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The problems, as I see them:


1) You're asking for free work that would be a major expense if you hired professionals to do it. It's more than a bit dishonest to try to "hire" people for free instead of paying what you should have to. Try telling a professional 3d artist that you'd like a few hundred hours of free work and see what response you get. Why should any of us give a different answer?


2) Regardless of your present financial state, the project (if done right) will be making a profit. A profit that none of us would see if we helped you. You're making a profit off the volunteer labor of others. That is absolutely and completely wrong.


3) The problem of expensive travel means that it is very unlikely that any of us would ever be able to visit. Therefore we would be investing a lot of free design work into something we would never be able to use.


4) On the design end at least, your project seems badly planned. Using a game engine to design everything seems like a waste of time at best. You're looking at significant investment in model conversion/world building that would be much better spent producing high quality still images. Or 3d plan models of the buildings that you can hand the construction workers to build from.


5) I'd be perfectly happy to help, but not off just a forum post. There's no way I'm going to invest a few hundred hours of design time into something that anonymous. I want to see paper copies of your project concepts, job requirements, etc. Even if there is no pay, I would consider taking the job as a resume item (and instant hiring elsewhere), but ONLY if I can be sure that it isn't a waste of my time.


Oh, and in case you think I'm one of the 14 year olds you refered to... I'm not. I've taken a few classes in architectural graphics, and invested countless hours of practice in both 2d and 3d drawing. I can tell you with complete honesty that I can design and draw any buildings/site layout you could possibly need. And I mean accurate, exact scale blueprints suitable for construction. As well as high detail 3d models, or if you insist, lower poly ones for realtime game use.

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