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Subnautica Mods Not Working


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Oh my goodness, I came here looking for help and all I got was a heated argument.

HadToRegister. Bro be a little more patient. You need to understand not everyone just knows how to mess with nexusmods. I read what you said and I couldn't understand it. I have the identical issue however. The Subnautica mods just doesnt work and the little mods tab that should be in the options is not there either



I WAS being patient, my use of CAPS is for EMPHASIS, like ITALICS.

There is no "Heated Argument" going on here, just me trying to help someone who wasn't very forthcoming with information, forcing me to do all the work by asking them question after question.

It was like pulling teeth to get anything useful from them.




i have never seen anyone trying so hard to help someone. hadtoregister did all he could with the little he was given and i applaud him for it.

that said i have the same problem lol bet i will fix it :D

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

In my experience you cannot install Qmod Manager via Vortex and I suspect other mod managers.


Go to the Qmod Manager mod; go to files and download manually (it will be an executable rather than a zip file). Run that executable and mods will be activated.


Afterward you can install the rest of the mods normally via Vortex / other mod managers.



I really have no idea why the mod gives you the option when it doesn't work; they really should just only offer the option to download the executable manually, and don't bother with manager downloads if it doesn't work anyway.

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  • 4 months later...

Alright, I've followed what Nexus said to do on downloading & using the mods. First I did it with NMM, until I realized that was ineffective. After reading this thread I, when & got Vortex, & more-or-less managed to download all the different mods I could.

I installed/ran the Qmod, then added the SML, & then the others.

(To clarify, I installed the Qmod, then ran Subnautica, then downloaded the rest of the mods...so that Qmod would create it's folder in the Subnautica folder.)


As for the list of mods, way too long to list them all, but I downloaded to Vortex from nexus, (at least those that haven't been removed or hidden). Z1 Gaming, Subnautica mod list: https://www.z1gaming.tv/subnautica-mods-list


I'm sure the error is somewhere on my part, but every time I've opened the game Subnautica, it never loaded any of the mods in-game. I enabled the mods, deployed them, then tried opening the game. Each time it eventually opened, only to have no mods appear in-game.


I installed Vortex on my C:/ drive. The same place as my NMM...but the Subnautica & Qmod, all go on my F:/ drive.



(I think I covered most of the needed points.)


My question is what should I do to try to get the mods to load for Subnautica?

Does the Qmod Manager need to be enabled in Vortex, or is that causing part of the issue?

Should I uninstall all the mods, then uninstall the Qmod, & try the convoluted process all over again?




(right, I should probably mention that I originally installed Qmod via manual download, than ran the .exe but I also have it enabled in my Vortex, because they don't clearly state that it shouldn't be enabled via Vortex or not.)

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  • 10 months later...

I don't know if anyone solved it - but I decided to try manual without Vortex and it all seems to work a treat.


I grabbed the latest QMOD (https://github.com/IWhoI/SubnauticaVREnhancements/releases) and installed directly, then downloaded the Mods and noticed that they were two folders deep , ie SMLHelper 2.14-113-2-14-0-1662921288/Modding Helper/*. I just copied the Modding Helper directory into QMODS instead of the SMLHelper 2.14......../Modding Helper/* and it seems to have worked.

Edited by slm020
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