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How Many Gems Can I Have?


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A little background, in most RPGs I play I collect all the gems and horde them like a madman. I'm probably not alone.


Well thanks the the Barenziah quest this obsession is a little excessive.


I'm using the http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11444 mod and I threw in an uncovered Ruin coffin to store my gems. See:



Everything was going great, but now I'm at a point where I appear to have too many gems. If I put one more gem the game crashes, if I move the camera around the gems it crashes. If I take away even just 5 gems the game is stable.


I can also fus roh dah the gems all around here:



And drop a ton more gems no problem. So it appears the problem is localized.


Things I've tried:

1. Fus Roh Dahing the gems all over and dropping more, no problem with that so it isn't some kind of level limit.

2. Taking away a few gems and slowly walking around in my pile of gems, stirring the pot as it were, the problem comes back when I try putting the gems in.


Things I'd like to try:

1. Blaming mods and putting all the gems in a vanilla house (Would be a lot of work because there's no toggleable quantity prompt mod in Skyrim =( )

2. Finding out if there's an .ini tweak I can use.

3. Putting the gems on a flat surface.


Let me know your ideas. Thanks!

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Quick update, I tried the third idea I had where I fusrodah's the gems all over the place. I was able to put like 40 more gems on the ground but then started to experience the same issues!


I'm going to use or create a very simple room with little in it and see what happens. When I had all the gems on the ground my poor statues were shifting positions and weird stuff was happening to them.

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Another update:

I modified one of the wardrobe levels and:

1. Got rid of all the statues, chests, weapon racks, display cases and the rugs.

2. Added an extra sized sarcophagus in the center.

3. Got rid of a light source.


This room is very small and very empty, so if there's some shared limit I should get a bunch more room. I then started transferring my gems to the sarcophagus there and got to about this much before I started getting messed up by the same error =(


Level in the CK:






I also tried getting rid of ALL the light sources in the level, that didn't alleviate anything. I think it's failing at around the same gem number =((((

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It's possible it's something with physics causing the issues.that many trying to knock in eachother,even if they look stable,probaly has to calculate alot,especially if you add more and suddenly they gotta all move in a cramped space.Coujld be why the other things move around too,cause of bounding boxes,with so many around.Have you tried multiple coffins,so there's one per gem type?

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It's possible it's something with physics causing the issues.that many trying to knock in eachother,even if they look stable,probaly has to calculate alot,especially if you add more and suddenly they gotta all move in a cramped space.Coujld be why the other things move around too,cause of bounding boxes,with so many around.Have you tried multiple coffins,so there's one per gem type?

I thought about this too. I tried having them all scattered evenly around the room ex:



But the problem still persisted.

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Try the general stores mod and any of the mods that use it. Then go to the GS storage cistern and put all your gems in whatever container you want them to get sorted into. You can't look at them that way, but at least it won't make your camge crash all the time.

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One option is to convert the sarcophagus into a container and create some static meshes that look like groups of gems. The number of gems in the container determines how many or which static meshes get enabled. You would then have the appearance of the gems without the havok calculations bogging down the game.

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One option is to convert the sarcophagus into a container and create some static meshes that look like groups of gems. The number of gems in the container determines how many or which static meshes get enabled. You would then have the appearance of the gems without the havok calculations bogging down the game.

That's an interesting idea. Or I could somehow create an item that looked like a scattering of a dozen or so gems and just throw those around. I wonder if it'd look weird though.


I also have no idea how to create static meshes. Is that something possible in the CK or do I have to get a different program?

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