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Can't download/extract SKSE - Windows 8 or something else?


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Howdy, I want to see if I can bullet point my problem to help speed this up, here it goes:

>Want to install SkyUI on NMM, need to update SKSE apparently

>Forgot how to install SKSE so check tutorial (Gophers), follow it up till I need to extract the file. (I don't need to install a program on Windows 8 apparently is this true?)

>File in my downloads folder (goes there automatically), has a internet explorer icon and will only bring up a page to save or open both of which do nothing but make extra copies.


Is this a problem with the link on the SKSE, windows 8 or something else entirely. I'd appreciate it if someone could post a link to a simple walk-through to the whole process of remedying the situation, thanks.


P.S should of sticked with xbox really.

Edited by JamieSM97
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You should probably just download winRAR just in case - I don't know anything about Win 8, so not sure on it's extraction status. Also, why would you give up after hitting such a tiny hitch? Skyrim with mods is much more satisfying than vanilla (in my opinion), even when going for complete lore-friendliness. You just need learn a few simple procedures and you're set.
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Instead of winrar, get 7-zip. It's absolutely FREE, No nags, no ads, no limitations. It will handle any compressed file format you are likely to find - including rar, zip and many others. And in my opinion, it's better than winrar.

And - it's available FREE right here on Nexus :biggrin: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/15579

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I prefer it to 7-zip beacause it can keep the original folder structure (tried with 7-zip and it just wanted to put it into one big, messy pool :/ (Maybe I didn't set something...)) And it is free, or at least it was for the few years that I have been using it, just brings up a notice each time you open it once the 'trial period' has expired.

Edited by Cait833
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  • 1 year later...

The answers dont give the solution, i have the same proble, I have 7zip....When i download SKSE i save it to my desktop as per GOPHER...when i right click on the file ( which is saved as a blank page, doesnt look right ) their is no option for me to extract it. I also have windows 8

Edited by zoltarzanian
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  • 10 months later...

i cant download it everytime i click the "installer" it just promt me like this"The socket connection to skse.silverlock.org failed.

ErrorCode: 10060.

A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond ".. and when i reload the page it said's it has been found but the file is empty. anyone can help me?

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for winrar when trial expires you can just uninstall and redownload for another free trial. you dont have to pay. I use it cause i seen most of the "expert tutorial" people using it. Ive used 7zip also and do prefer winrar.


OP are you saying you cant download skse or you cant extract the files? which one?



I just downloaded it in one second...no issues as well.

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