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How to add items to a container using NVEdit


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Hello! I have just added an armour to my game from another mod, and put it into a separate plugin. I now want to put that armour into one of the footlockers in the Legion safehouse, however I can't figure out how.

I found the container I want to use in NVEdit, but there doesn't seem to be any option to edit what is inside the container. I know this can be done with the GECK, but i've never used that and would prefer to just do it on NVEdit if possible.

I'd really appreciate some advice, thanks! :)

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FNVEdit is an "editor" primarily intended to make changes to existing plugin records. It isn't designed to create "new" records (that I am aware of). To add a "new" item you have to place that item "reference record" (Ref-ID) into the world somewhere and that requires a new ESM/ESP file.


Many "containers" are "owned" by the interior cell they are located within. In such cases, the 'TIP Adding Items to Actors aka Leveled Lists' under the "Scripting" section of the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article will apply if that container uses a "leveled list". But as mentioned, the "Ref-ID" has to be added to the world by a plugin in order for the script to locate it. Creating your own container is one way of placing that "Ref-ID" into the world. Which means using the GECK.



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Here is what I could figure out using FNVEdit:


1. You can only add items to a base object (not just the one that was put into a certain cell). Thus your change will effect all instances of that footlocker placed anywhere else in the game. You must first get that base object into your ESP. Find that base container object in the ESM/ESP it is in and do a "Copy As Override" of that container into your ESP. You will now have that container in your ESP.


I did this with Footlocker01Boomer.


2. Add your item to that container: Change an existing item in the container to your object by choosing the item and editing the drop down list of the item's id to select your item.


Or you can add a new item to the list: At the top of the items list is the 'Items (sorted)' top level thing. Right-click and select 'Add', and add your item.



3. Learn to use the GECK!!! Resistance is futile if you want to continue making and editing mods. Learning the basics of using the GECK is a LOT easier than trying to figure out how to do things in FNVEdit, and you will eventually run into a wall where you simply can't do it with FNVEdit.

Edited by GamerRick
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Well sir DubiousIntent, Using FNVEdit to do such a thing (micro-surgery) is like using a scientific calculator to calculate tips at a restaurant because you are afraid to use a calculator with less buttons.


EDIT: I think that is the worse analogy I have given in recent history.

Edited by GamerRick
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Well, only you can judge the comparative quality of your analogies but ... if you are feeling "mathematically challenged" and all you have is a scientific calculator ... needs must.


My personal rule is: "once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, but third time requires a better solution". YMMV.



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