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Dragonborn DLC Doesn't Work


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I recently bought the Dragonborn DLC for Skyrim.
Cutting to the chase, once I travel to Solstheim, I become locked in a first person view and I'm completely immobile. I can't move, even with console commands forcing me. I've used the console to teleport to different locations around Skyrim and once the area loads I am still a stationary first person perspective. I've spent almost all of yesterday trying to fix this; uninstalling mods, changing to a default race, etc. and nothing seems to work.
I'm beyond lost. I have no idea what to do. I 'verified game cache' with Steam, which said a file was missing and would be acquired, but that also didn't work.
Help, please?
I really am pretty annoyed that it's this broken.
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So you are still on the boat, but the boat isn't visible? Did you ride in on a boat? That's how it starts, but it's a cutscene and you can't move or do anything until the boat docks. Then you regain control. From the picture it looks like the boat is gone.

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sounds like it might be an animation issue, if you use FNIS, make sure you update it to the latest version, it fixed a few problems I was having in DragonBorn.

For example there is a tower you need to "float up" to the top and my character would always get stuck at the bottom, levitate slightly off the ground then go unresponsive. Updating FNIS and doing the usual patch fixed the issue, and might work for you aswell.


lol almost forgot, my friend had the same issue. he fixed it by getting the starter quest for dragonborn BEFORE going to the boat.

Apparently the game is buggy if you dont grab that quest first... supposedly you get it after you retrieve the Horn for the greybeards in the main story of skyrim.


Hope this helps

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