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Yes I like that ... plus it makes it more difficult to get their prices down (or up if you are selling) as you can't just keep trying.


Last question ... Better Cities adds a shack outside Bravil that you can buy. Would you like that shack to be 2 times the price, or 3x, 5x, 7x or 10 times the price?


- Edit - I should add that EE also does the same to the vanilla game house prices ... so 2x, 3x, 5x, 7x or 10x will affect all of the houses the same.


- Edit 2 - Another thing I should add ... if you want the vanilla game house prices then that can be done too.

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OK ... from the folder named 20 House prices x 2 (OOOx0.5) copy the file named Enhanced Economy - House prices.esp and paste it into the Enhanced_Economy_Manual_Install\Data folder.

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OK, last step for EE ...


In the Enhanced_Economy_Manual_Install\Data\Ini folder open the file Enhanced Economy.ini and find the line that says:
set tnoEE.autoHaggle to 1
You will find it part way down, not far after the heading:
; ================== Settings to control haggling =====================
Change set tnoEE.autoHaggle to 1 to set tnoEE.autoHaggle to 0 and then save the file.
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