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I am the one making mistakes today ... some days you win some, some days not so much.


To install Better Cities now we will copy the Data folder from Better_Cities_Manual_Install\Data and then paste it into the game's Oblivion folder.


Next in OBMM activate the following ESPs:


Better Cities .esp

Better Cities Full.esp

Better Imperial City.esp

Better Cities - IC Imperial Isle.esp


If it shows in the OBMM left panel also put a tick mark in


Better Cities Resources.esm


I can't remember if OBMM shows the ESM files or not.


The ESP file Better Cities - House Price Patch.esp will not get a tick mark yet. That one will wait until we get Enhanced Economy working.


Run BOSS and let me know if it reports any problems in it's report window.


When you test in the game use a save that is not in any city. If you have one over in the Vilverin ruin that would be perfect. Take a run over to the Imperial City from there and see if it's working.

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it works but i was taking walk in the imperial city all works fin and then i was enter new area and boom crash right too the desktop so i tried again to see what made it crash i went through all the imperial city and nothing it works fin so i went to bravil i led me to the docks and went to the city it was fin and went true front door and crash again

also its start to get 3 am for me and im struggle to keep my head up again

Edited by Wolf382
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im a bit unsure i went in too see the name again i remeber it was at the right side it was either arbretum or arena or market

also i see in the arbretum some animals have stinky cloud i think that is from the Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul maybe or maybe just a stinky deer and a cat :laugh:

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Maskars shows that cloud when a creature has a disease.


The reason I asked about the Waterfront District is it is one that is known to cause problems. There is a file we can install that will help if you do find the Waterfront causes you trouble.


With the Bravil crash ... did you fast travel to get to Bravil?


- Edit - The creature disease cloud can be turned off in Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.ini if you want. They will still have a disease that you can catch but they won't have the cloud so you won't know until it's too late and you are sick.


- Edit 2 - Poor Wolf ... I'm trying to turn you into a vampire or bat or something. Get some sleep and leave the further testing of Better Cities until tomorrow.


- Edit 3 - I keep forgetting about the 6 hour time difference ... sleep Wolf ... sleep!!

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yes it took me to the dock/south area that was new it was fine and then i walk in the city it was fin and then i went in the north gate like the main gate and crash

also i went on an another test i crash when i go to imperial city waterfront but only when i near certain area

and i did another test on other city it looks fin most of them so far

but i need to tap out im way to tired sorry :sweat:

Edited by Wolf382
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Actually it's lunchtime now (I got wrpapped up the the inventory idle replacement question in the Mod Talk forum).


How are you finding game performance with Better Cities?

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