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OK ... right at the beginning of the Oblivion\Data\ini\Enhanced Economy.ini (so the one in your game's folders) find this line ...


set tnoEE.debug to 0
and change to
set tnoEE.debug to 1
and then save the file.
Next open OBMM and put ticks on Enhanced Economy.esp, Enhanced Economy - House prices.esp and Better Cities - House Price Patch.esp and then run BOSS.
Start the game and as soon as it loads open the console and see if you see the Enhanced Economy debug messages like I have in this pic ...
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OK that says that EE is working to my eyes anyway. Leave the debug messages on for right now and go to Rohssan again and try the haggling test. If it fails to work again look on the console for some more debug messages.

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So it didn't work and she let you keep on haggling?


With EE after the merchants stops haggling with you they will still buy and sell stuff ... you just can't try to get a better price after you fail five times. The second screenshot says EE:Didn't haggle down near the bottom just before the last entry.

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OK good ... I was starting to wonder what we could try next.


When I'm haggling I usually only move the slider a tiny amount at a time ... a lot depends on how good their skill is (Rohssan is a tough one).


I am wondering about the next mod from the list ... Oblivion Uncut?

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OK, no problem ... I was looking at it becuase it requires a patch for Better Cities. From what I can see I think it was the only one that needed a ptch for BC after you decided against UL.


What would you like to try next then?

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also forgot to add one too which was Less Overpowered Nighteye but i add it on the list now i think it will be a nice touch with the Let There Be Darkness and Better dungeons

btw Better dungeons shouldn't be a trouble should it? because you loading a new area or do you think i should just drop it

Edited by Wolf382
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