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Best Piece of Literature ever Published


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I would certainly agree that Dune is certainly the best sci-fi single book written, but I would actually expand that and say the entire Dune sequence (the ones he wrote before he died, anyway) is the best sci-fi literature.


As to the best literature of any genre, that's a difficult one. LOTR is certainly in the running, but so is the Belgariad/Mallorean by David and Leigh Eddings (I regard them as one ten-book series), Magician by Raymond E Feist, the Dark Tower series by Stephen King, and I would say that the Prelude to Dune books by Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson are pretty damn close to being on a par with the original Dune sequence.

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I agree that "Dune" is a seminal work of Sci-Fi and a good read to boot but I am going to put my money (for Sci-Fi) with the Mars trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson (Red Mars, Green Mars, Blue Mars). This is a stunning example of techno-based science fiction at its best.


As for the best piece of literature I have ever read, I think "The Canterberry Tales" by Chaucer would do it.

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My definition of literature: dull, old book forced on schoolchildren for their own good or babbled about by drug-addled hippies in cafes.


The only book I've ever read that meets this definition and was reasonably good was Brave New World - in the words of a local comedian, "it's a bold vision of the future that never needs ironing."

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I agree that Camus' L'étranger is among the best books I have ever read.


Solzhenitsyn is also one of my favorites. My chest still burns as I read the Gulag Archipelago...a cautionary tale if there ever was one.


Another series I am quickly becoming enamoured with is the Camulod Chronicles by Jack Whyte.

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I have to say that i am a person who reads a lot. I have gone through books extremely quickly ever since i started to really read. The best sci fi book i have ever read is undoubtedly Dune, just because it is one of those books that completely changes how you see sci fi. It was completely new and different at the time of its release and it still holds great value to me now. One of my favorite pieces of fiction would have to be Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. Its just a classic. I cant even think about what the best would be it just depends on the person really.
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Some of my favorite books are-


-Angels and Demons by Dan Brown

-DaVinci Code by Dan Brown

-Digital Fortress by Dan Brown (seeing a pattern?)

-My Side of the Mountain by ? (the sequel sucks though)

-ANY Piers Anthony books (he is totally fantasy, similar to LOTR)


there are more I just can't remember the right now, these are probably the best ones though...

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I find many of the classics to be of great literary status though I often become bored trying to read them. Say what you will about my intelligence but I find older grammatical and writing styles tedious and somewhat redundant.


Anyway, for more recent literature I am going to forward Eragon by Chris Paolini. Even more important was that he started writing the book at age 15 and completed it at age 17. Truly excellent work, particularly when taking the authors age into account.

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Best Book - Ender's Game


It talks about children, but after the first chapter, you feel like you're reading about adults because of the brilliant, perceptive way in which Card understands the human mind and philsophies. Brilliant story, characters, setting, etc....


Best Graphic Novel - Haven't read many except for a few Cowboy Bebop and DBZ, but I would have to say Priest and Trigun look pretty good.


Best Series - Aside from LOTR, the Ender Quartet; it talks about evolution, and delves deeper into the human mind.


Honorable Mention: The Chosen. Just read it.

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