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Fahrenheit 9/11...


What is your opinion of Michael Moore's new Film?  

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  1. 1. What is your opinion of Michael Moore's new Film?

    • Loved it!
    • Hated it!
    • Made me sick.
    • Disgusting political slander.
    • Finally...somebody said something.
    • I want to move...far away.
    • Don't care.
    • Haven't seen it (in which case don't post until you have)

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I know Muslims myself and none of them hates the USA. OK, this is probably because they live in Switzerland and not in their original country. But the information I have concerning Muslims and their hate against the USA is from people who were acctually there, travelling and even living among Muslims. Two of them I already mentioned, those are the most important. But there are more I know of.
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Tyjet, it doesn't take a genius or a Muslim to understand that they arn't attacking us because we are christian. That's a rediculous conclusion. It's like me saying to you that the US government is after Iraq because they are Muslim, you and I both know that isn't true.
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Just as someone else said above, the EU is more powerful economically than the USA. Check the exchange rate for the Euro sometime.


We are not hated here in America because of our power, but because of the way we use that power. Also, suggesting that Muslims hate us because the US is primarily Christians is absurd..

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The Black Market can't be destroyed. It's been tried. Prohibition in the U.S. The crime rate actually rose when alcohol was banned/removed, rather than lowering. Can't say it would be the same thing for guns, though.


Oh, and as a Republican, I am obligated to post this:


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*hides in corner with gun*




Just kidding, I welcome change. I'm much more liberal than the rest of my family. (even though i consider myself conservative.)


I welcome gay marriges, think George Bush made some mistakes, and wanted to see F9/11.


So I'm not closed minded. I just don't want to kill any babies. Oh yeah, and I like hunting.

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moore's films serve a purpose. they give the public an icon to represent their beliefs or their "enemies' beliefs," and in this way they allow people to quantify and eventually write off the subject matter.


as if knowing were enough.


realistically though, farenheit 9/11 was a sloppy piece of splatter-work.

the first act was the best part. the election was the least recent happening though, so it stands to reason that it would be the most well polished part. however, there have been several documentaries chronicalling the theft of the 2000 election which have covered the subject matter in a more detailed, and timely manner.


in the second act, wherein the actors themselves are presented and the aftermath and connections are shown, we already see the cohesion of fact breaking down. he relies excessively on impressions and associations without examining the hows and the whys. here he begins to show that the movie is not at all about presenting the reality of an event or the consequence of a situation, but instead belies his purpose of attacking a man. there are many many more damning facts about 9/11 than the ones he expresses, however they are not directly connected to the target, so they are not included. still this segment is decently sturctured and engaging.


the third act is where the whole thing starts going to s. starting with the war on terror, the facts are dropped to the curb and images are used in their stead. he preents some paranoia, but not even close to the worst of it. pacing problems and pulled punches are the par for act 3.


finally he dips into the current war. here again, he stays away from the facts and works on impressions and images. interviews are usually a staple of the documenatry style, but an interviewer needs to pick his subjects on the basis of importance, or else he risks losing the impact of the words to the obscureness of the speaker. seriously, i could find a soldier who'll say "i went to iraq to kill ragheads on account of i dun't like their mongrel-god." but all it would say is "hey look at this idiot!" rather than show any real motivation to the whole operation. it's just bad technique. then he goes about following some lady as she cries about her soldier of a son being killed in a freaking war. this is trash. this is not flim. there is no structure, there is no message. finally he shows the universally understood fact that politicians operate on a "do as i say, not as i do" basis, ending it all with some "freedom is slavery; ignorance is strenght." quotes.


this film just goes to show, that moore loves to pick sides, but he isn't siding with the truth™

all in all, the movie wasn't worth my time, but, hey, i'm unbelievably self-important. ;)

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LOL... I wouldn't go so far as to call it fiction man, at the very worst this film is biased with some slant that comes from it, it is by no means fiction.


My little pony is fiction (sorry to burst anyone's bubble about that). F9-11 is not.

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