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How can I make a certain NPC disappear and another NPC appear instead


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This is what I tried so far and it doesn't work:




scn 000OceanusCityFIRSTQuest
short escape
Begin gamemode
FlintREF2.disable 1
if getstage 000OceanusFirstMission 4
FlintREF2.enable 1
FlintREF.disable 1


NOTE: The GECK does accept the script, it just isn't working in-game


Any help would be appreciated

Edited by macaren15
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It's not through dialogue is it?


Ok, if so, create a new cell. Best would to just duplicate 1ECisternA

In that cell, create a new XMarker. Put it in the render window and double click it. Type in a reference id e.g: NPCSwapMarker

Now, where your npc is standing, create another XMarker and reference it something like OriginalMarker


scn 000OceanusCityFIRSTQuest


short escape

Short DoOnce

Short Flint1Disabled


Begin GameMode

if (DoOnce != 1)

Set Flint1Disabled to 1

FlintREF1.MoveToMarkerWithFade NPCSwapMarker

FlintREF2.MoveToMarkerWithFade OriginalMarker




That should work. Tell me if there's any problems

Edited by SirIdiot
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You broke the second rule of modding: Never begin an EditorID with a numeric Char.


If you try to explicitly reference an EditorID that begins with a numeric char in a script, the script treats the EditorID as a formID.

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Also, don't start with FlintREF2.disable 1, flag the reference as "Initially Disabled" instead.

The line if getstage 000OceanusFirstMission 4 should be if getstage OceanusFirstMission == 4

After FlintREF.disable you need to add FlintREF.markfordelete (disabled objects remain in memory)

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