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Which Daedric Prince do you relate to the most?


which daedric prince do you relate to the most?  

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  1. 1. which daedric prince do you relate to the most?

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The poll won't let me vote...there seems to be a problem...anyway for myself, I would have to say Hircine and Sanguine....


Hircine because I love nothing more than spending time in the natural world and have an intense interest in earthen Cultures and lifestyles and Survivalist techniques.


Sanguine, the wicked sense of humor.... :P

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It is difficult to "relate" to a Daedric Prince because they have no real personality, they are more like forces of nature. They may even be only semi sentient. Much like a flame atronach, which burns things because that's what fire does. The Princes are Princes because they deal in more complex matters than just trying to set everything on fire. A flame atronach is an avatar of fire, Nocturnal is an avatar of "secrets", Malacath is an avatar of "outcasts".


The only Prince with some semblance of free will is Azura, who has a very vague sphere that isn't even actionable (what kind of force is "the magic of dusk and dawn"?) and occupies herself more with the dunmer than with anything related to her sphere*. And maybe Meridia, but her self-defeating decisions may have less to do with free will than with being the incarnation of the Idiot Paladin stereotype.


Conversely Hircine doesn't represent anything other than random destruction with an animal theme. I'm not even sure what the point of worshipping Hircine is because all he does is pick a hare and kill them for no reason. The IQ seeps out of my skull for even thinking about Hircine because he is one of those crappy Battlespire era Princes created solely as a source of monsters to kill and never got much attention afterwards.



* Assuming the dunmer origin story is actually true. Perhaps the "mutation as punishment for using forbidden technology to create a god" is just dark ages shorthand for "we forgot why our ancestors told us not to use atomic power".

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It is difficult to "relate" to a Daedric Prince because they have no real personality, they are more like forces of nature. They may even be only semi sentient. Much like a flame atronach, which burns things because that's what fire does. The Princes are Princes because they deal in more complex matters than just trying to set everything on fire. A flame atronach is an avatar of fire, Nocturnal is an avatar of "secrets", Malacath is an avatar of "outcasts".


The only Prince with some semblance of free will is Azura, who has a very vague sphere that isn't even actionable (what kind of force is "the magic of dusk and dawn"?) and occupies herself more with the dunmer than with anything related to her sphere*. And maybe Meridia, but her self-defeating decisions may have less to do with free will than with being the incarnation of the Idiot Paladin stereotype.


Conversely Hircine doesn't represent anything other than random destruction with an animal theme. I'm not even sure what the point of worshipping Hircine is because all he does is pick a hare and kill them for no reason. The IQ seeps out of my skull for even thinking about Hircine because he is one of those crappy Battlespire era Princes created solely as a source of monsters to kill and never got much attention afterwards.



* Assuming the dunmer origin story is actually true. Perhaps the "mutation as punishment for using forbidden technology to create a god" is just dark ages shorthand for "we forgot why our ancestors told us not to use atomic power".

I disagree on Hircine. Hircine represents the Hunt and hunting is about more than killing. Hircine always gives you a chance, a Hunt where the hunters catch their prey without effort or the prey escapes the hunter too easily is not a proper hunt. So why would someone worship Hircine? Any number of reasons really, but first and foremost I would think proving one's skill as a hunter. Hunters, especially in fantasy settings, take pride in being good at what they do. What better test of skill than besting Hircine, Lord of the Hunt?


As for which Prince I most identify with, I'd say Malacath. The Daedric Princes aren't really all that relatable for reasons mentioned earlier, but I think everyone knows what it feels like to be an outcast to some extent.

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Lol, could someone post a list about what the Daedric Princes are notable for? To make it easier for us who don't know it off the top of our heads...

I'll try, from the top of my head:


Azura - Dominatrix queen of the dunmer

Boethia - Likes only those who like only themselves

Clavicus Vile - A real politician/lawyer. Never trust a deal he offers you

Hermaeus Mora - Nerd

Hircine - Furry

Malacath - Uber Orc Chief

Mehrunes Dagon - "If it aint broke, break it"

Mephala - Queen of deceit and backstabbing

Meridia - Zombie apocalyps planner

Molag Bal - Likes to torture and dominate

Namira - Eats corpses

Nocturnal - Dominatrix queen of the thieves

Peryite - Bioterrorist

Sanguine - Slips you roofies

Sheogorath - Barking mad

Vaermina - The source of your nightmares

Jyggalag - OCD patient


I tried to be as unbias as possible.

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Lol, could someone post a list about what the Daedric Princes are notable for? To make it easier for us who don't know it off the top of our heads...

I'll try, from the top of my head:


Azura - Dominatrix queen of the dunmer

Boethia - Likes only those who like only themselves

Clavicus Vile - A real politician/lawyer. Never trust a deal he offers you

Hermaeus Mora - Nerd

Hircine - Furry

Malacath - Uber Orc Chief

Mehrunes Dagon - "If it aint broke, break it"

Mephala - Queen of deceit and backstabbing

Meridia - Zombie apocalyps planner

Molag Bal - Likes to torture and dominate

Namira - Eats corpses

Nocturnal - Dominatrix queen of the thieves

Peryite - Bioterrorist

Sanguine - Slips you roofies

Sheogorath - Barking mad

Vaermina - The source of your nightmares

Jyggalag - OCD patient


I tried to be as unbias as possible.

Hahaha, awesome descriptions!


None of the daedric princes really affect me then... Azura is probably the closest in the way that she doesn't really do anything evil. Maybe Hircine, because hunting is good.


I like Sheogorath the most, but I'm not crazy, so I dunno. :P

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