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Going to make an addon for dust


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Dust is fantastic, however there are things I'd like to address to make it a more enjoyable experience.


Some of my ideas are to do the following:

Tweaks to tunnelers/spore carriers.

-Less tunnelers during the day and more at night.

-Their detection range will be nerfed since they see you from seemingly nowhere.

-They will be faster and still hit like a truck, but will be less of a bullet sponge.

Disable the preorder Items that are added into your inventory turning off the annoying popups.

Randomized loot upon spawning that is added into your inventory.

-Without making you over encumbered when you start.

-Luck will affect item condition of loot, amount of ammo above base amount.

-Loot will give you a sensible amount of ammo.

-Loot will give you one of many armors/clothing under a DT of 8.

-Anything that is 8 or above should be a rarity.

-Weapons you get will be based on skill.

-Less than 25 in Gun's means no guns in loot.

-Less than 40 in Gun's limited to weak guns like the .32 pistol.

-Over 40 will give you the standard weapon arsenal.

-The Same philosophy applies to explosives and melee skills.

-Medical and Survival skills will determine will how many stims/food items you receive.

Yeet the "starting/spawn selection room" from existence.

-Replace its functionality with a Menu popup that does the same.

Ironman Mode(?)


The idea is to make the stats/skills you dump into your character matter more early game and to make the mod more enjoyable to play.

Edited by longmidnight
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Is there a question you had as of how to implement these things?

Yeah actually, but its nothing directly related implementing said features, its blatant that I'm new modding.

Just want to know is that is there a decent IDE with syntax highlighting that people use when they are writing scripts because the IDE in the geck is a joke and is literally a text editor.

Is there any well documented sites that explains what does what? Like how well documented code is for python 2/3.

Anything else, I'll work it out as I go. Though I suck in my ability to program clean code the same way a certain game developer sucks writing their game with lots of nested if/else statements.

I mean look at this abomination of code I written like two years ago, I made a powershell script to stop steam from not launching a game in offline because "muh game needs updating".

$ScriptPath = $PSScriptRoot.Replace('OfflineTime.ps1', '')
Write-Host $ScriptPath
Set-Location -LiteralPath $ScriptPath

Get-ChildItem *.acf | Set-Content FileList.txt
$CountTimes=(Get-Content FileList.txt).count

for($i=1; $i -le $CountTimes; $i++)
    if($i -eq 1){
        $FilePath=(Get-Content FileList.txt -TotalCount 1)
        $FilePath=(Get-Content FileList.txt -TotalCount $i)[-1]
    Write-Host $FilePath
    $LineToGo=(Select-String "StateFlags" $FilePath | Select-Object -ExpandProperty LineNumber)
    Write-Host $LineToGo
    $ReplaceThis=(Get-Content $FilePath -TotalCount $LineToGo)[-1]
    Write-Host $ReplaceThis
    (Get-Content $FilePath).replace($ReplaceThis, '    "StateFlags"		"4" ') | Set-Content $FilePath


Select-String "ps1" FileList.txt | Select-Object -ExpandProperty LineNumber

I think modding would be a healthy learning experience for me.

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It's not an IDE, but there is "NotepadPlusPlus Syntax Highlighter" by DoctaSax.


In addition to the GECKWiki, the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article has many links to tutorials and 'tips' from experienced mod creators you may find of assistance.

(Not so sure about "healthy" experience. There is a popular theory that the GECK is a Vault-Tec experiment in frustration.)



Edited by dubiousintent
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Is there a question you had as of how to implement these things?

Yeah actually, but its nothing directly related implementing said features, its blatant that I'm new modding.

Just want to know is that is there a decent IDE with syntax highlighting that people use when they are writing scripts because the IDE in the geck is a joke and is literally a text editor.

Is there any well documented sites that explains what does what? Like how well documented code is for python 2/3.

Anything else, I'll work it out as I go. Though I suck in my ability to program clean code the same way a certain game developer sucks writing their game with lots of nested if/else statements.

I mean look at this abomination of code I written like two years ago, I made a powershell script to stop steam from not launching a game in offline because "muh game needs updating".

$ScriptPath = $PSScriptRoot.Replace('OfflineTime.ps1', '')
Write-Host $ScriptPath
Set-Location -LiteralPath $ScriptPath

Get-ChildItem *.acf | Set-Content FileList.txt
$CountTimes=(Get-Content FileList.txt).count

for($i=1; $i -le $CountTimes; $i++)
    if($i -eq 1){
        $FilePath=(Get-Content FileList.txt -TotalCount 1)
        $FilePath=(Get-Content FileList.txt -TotalCount $i)[-1]
    Write-Host $FilePath
    $LineToGo=(Select-String "StateFlags" $FilePath | Select-Object -ExpandProperty LineNumber)
    Write-Host $LineToGo
    $ReplaceThis=(Get-Content $FilePath -TotalCount $LineToGo)[-1]
    Write-Host $ReplaceThis
    (Get-Content $FilePath).replace($ReplaceThis, '    "StateFlags"		"4" ') | Set-Content $FilePath


Select-String "ps1" FileList.txt | Select-Object -ExpandProperty LineNumber

I think modding would be a healthy learning experience for me.


The geck is an incredibly easy tool compared to other game engines IMO. Very simple scripting and things like NVSE make it even more so. As said above, just look through the Wiki or watch Seddon 4494 tutorials for Fallout 3/NV but not for Fallout 4 since the Creation engine handles scripting differently.

Edited by ashtonlp101
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Those changes look interesting and I'd be keen to try them out in a Dust playthrough.


It's often difficult to get the balance right between challenging and grindy and I felt Dust was too (annoyingly) grindy, partly because of the Tunnelers.


It does have some clever aspects though, like


being able to headshot Ghouls with the BB gun.


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