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texture glitch with NVidia GFX card


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This did not happen with the old onboard Intel chip I used to play the game with so it has got be a problem with the NVidia card I put in early this year. So far I have only seen it visually affecting whatever this character wears(Katriana from "Heart Of The Dead") due to her hair. It happens at certain angles but is unpredictable, it may not happen. Looking up or down when it does can also affect it going off(seen below), and sometimes I can have a lengthy play session without seeing it once as if whatever causes it didn't load in.


I don't believe any in-game setting is affecting this so I don't know if the NVidia control panel's settings can be changed. It's an annoying visual glitch but isn't otherwise breaking anything.



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Hmm, not an expert, but it looks like both, the hair and the armor, seem to have a NiAlpha property inside the NIF. This will cause fighting for which one's in front every time strongly depending on the angle in which you look upon it, thanks to Oblivion's absolutely terrible implementation of transparency effects.

(As a rule of thumb, no 2 transparent meshes shall ever be seen overlapping in a scene or this will happen. Your hair will also vanish when you stand before or behind a waterfall for example.)


The hair must have it, but I don't know why the armor also should. It doesn't look like anything about it is transparent to me.

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Just as an FYI aside ...


The Bevilex mod comments had some interesting discussion and insights on the wonderful world of hair in Oblivion recently (see the post on Sept 25 2020 by ohla2 and in particular a reply in that thread by Wiepman on Sept 26 2020 ... about half way down that post by Wiepman).

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The armor is from a mod(a variation of glass armor), Apachii Goddes Store. I opened the NIF file for the cuirass, didn't see a NiAlpha entry on it though I'm not 100% familiar with NIFSkope. The hair may be part of HOD, it's all packed in a BSA file(it's been so long isnce I installed it I don't recall if it had separate requirements). The Intel chip may have not been able to render this "properly" which could be why it was never visible.

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