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Can't stop joining the imperials.


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I need help. No matter what race I play I just can't find my character wanting to join the stormcloaks. They always end up with the imperials.

Can anyone give me some help on why I should join the stormcloaks over the imperials or vice versa. Thank you

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Both sides have their pros and cons. Myself, unlike in the previous TES games (Oblivion, Morrowind), I am unable to join the imperials.


Just imagine that the Empire that once played a positive role, and acted as a unifying force is now a rotten carcass that lost many of its former provinces, sold out its soul - its faith in Talos, the found of the Empire - in a bad peace treaty, and draw analogies from history (Empire = Petain government during France's German occupation, Stormcloaks = Maquisards, Thalmor = Gestapo/SS troops roaming the country, and rounding up patriots, etc.), and you are good to go.

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I always used to join the Stormcloaks, it felt like I was fighting for freedom against the puppets of the oppressors, but I can no longer do so after reading a certain dossier in the Thalmor embassy. The only thing that has really swayed me from this is talking to a family in Riften (can't remember the name).

I know that doesn't help you much.. sorry.

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(Role Playing Geekery)

The emperor is a coward. He fled his capital with his tail between his legs and only found the courage to return when an army of Nords and Redguards arrived to reinforce. Then, after the Nords and Redguards destroy the Thalmor army and retake the capital for him, he surrenders.


He gives away Hammerfell. He bans worship of the founder of the empire. He allows Thalmor agents to roam the land abducting people and torturing them to death because they don't like their god.


What use is an empire that doesn't protect its people or land? Screw the empire.

(/Role Playing Geekery)


Also, some of those Stormcloak girls are pretty cute. Just saying.



I think you're misreading the dossier. They tortured information out of him -- information which apparently wasn't useful anyway -- but he refuses to have anything to do with them since being released. Calling him "an asset" is just wishful thinking on their part.

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