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Can't stop joining the imperials.


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(Role Playing Geekery)

The emperor is a coward. He fled his capital with his tail between his legs and only found the courage to return when an army of Nords and Redguards arrived to reinforce. Then, after the Nords and Redguards destroy the Thalmor army and retake the capital for him, he surrenders.


He gives away Hammerfell. He bans worship of the founder of the empire. He allows Thalmor agents to roam the land abducting people and torturing them to death because they don't like their god.


What use is an empire that doesn't protect its people or land? Screw the empire.

(/Role Playing Geekery)


Also, some of those Stormcloak girls are pretty cute. Just saying.



I think you're misreading the dossier. They tortured information out of him -- information which apparently wasn't useful anyway -- but he refuses to have anything to do with them since being released. Calling him "an asset" is just wishful thinking on their part.


Titus Mede is only emperor by conquest, the Legion has fallen into chaos because it is being lead by a lesser man. If you destroy the Legion rather than reforming it as a dragonborn emperor then who will truely have the strength to fight the Thalmor. The Stormcloaks could win and maybe gain the support from Hammerfell & Morrowind but they would likely have to go up against all other provinces.

I completely agree on your points but they are points about Titus, not the Imperial Legion. A unified force is much more effective than smaller groups which can be taken down one at a time.


Credit to you though I do actually think now that I should try the Stormcloak path again and just try to think short term rather than long.

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Generally, I usually join the Imperials too. The empire falling apart from civil war is exactly what the Thalmor want. I do have a problem with Emperor Mede and that treaty though. That, and the fact that they wanted to execute me for no legitimate reason.

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Rooker75, on 15 Feb 2013 - 12:28, said:

(Role Playing Geekery)

The emperor is a coward. He fled his capital with his tail between his legs and only found the courage to return when an army of Nords and Redguards arrived to reinforce. Then, after the Nords and Redguards destroy the Thalmor army and retake the capital for him, he surrenders.


He gives away Hammerfell. He bans worship of the founder of the empire. He allows Thalmor agents to roam the land abducting people and torturing them to death because they don't like their god.


What use is an empire that doesn't protect its people or land? Screw the empire.

(/Role Playing Geekery)


Also, some of those Stormcloak girls are pretty cute. Just saying.



I think you're misreading the dossier. They tortured information out of him -- information which apparently wasn't useful anyway -- but he refuses to have anything to do with them since being released. Calling him "an asset" is just wishful thinking on their part.

Wow.... You missed the biggest piece of evidence that he is indeed an asset: The Civil War. By knowing exactly how to manipualte him, they have goaded him into commiting an act of sedition that has torn asunder probably the strongest remaining province left in the Empire.


As for "The Emperor is a coward who ran away"... What good is standing and fighting if your demise is assured? Nothing, because you just lost the war. He fled, and then came back with a force actually big enough to deal with the Dominion army. Another case where strategy and "honor" are at odds, it seems.


Besides... where was that "stand and fight" attitude in Ulfric when he got tagged and bagged by Tullius's ambush?


And as for "The Empire wanted to execute you!""




One crazy legion officer channeling the Red Queen wanted to execute you.


"But Tullius was there and did nothing!"


So the list guy in the next cart over was doing nothing too? He was saying absolutely nothing unlike Hadvar. Tullius was irrelevant to the immediate scene you were in and was being moved into position by the scene manager for telling Ulfric just what he has done to Skyrim. Need I also remind you that the whole Alduin landing scene is off-time a bit, with someone yelling "It's int he clouds!" when he's all but landed on top of the tower?

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This isn't a place to discuss the pors and cons, the guy just asked for inspiration.

You'll have to try hard to ignore the greater picture, and stick to the freedom fighter attitude with a nord character, while associating Imperials with tyranical romans, like many players do.

Ralof says "You've seen the true face of the empire today", or something like that, so you can ignore the fact that only the captain wanted you dead, and take revenge on the all legion. It should be easy to think less about the consequences, and adopt the rebelious attitude, in a video game.


Like when playing GOW, you may not agree with Kratos' destructive attitude, but that's the role you're adopting.




Edited by kradus
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This isn't a place to discuss the pors and cons, the guy just asked for inspiration.

You'll have to try hard to ignore the greater picture, and stick to the freedom fighter attitude with a nord character, while associating Imperials with tyranical romans, like many players do.

Ralof says "You've seen the true face of the empire today", or something like that, so you can ignore the fact that only the captain wanted you dead, and take revenge on the all legion. It should be easy to think less about the consequences, and adopt the rebelious attitude, in a video game.


Like when playing GOW, you may not agree with Kratos' destructive attitude, but that's the role you're adopting.


I see where you are coming from, it is just a game, but it is a role playing game and TES is one of the few that allow you the freedom to 'sculpt' your character into any reasoning/logic you like, you are not forced into a role (so much). As such there are usually rational decisions (that may not be your own) about what quest/route to take that are not just dependant on the loot you expect from following it through. It's difficult to explain fully if you truely don't understand but a quote I remember from an earlier review of Skyrim was "it's one of those games where the journey is more important than the destination" which summarises what I'm getting at. Just look at the modding community for this game, each mod is a different interpretation of how they play their characters. You may play differently but, although it is only a game, genuine thought and reason goes in to the character and when picking the side of the civil war in which you play the pivotal role for the side you choose. Trying to ignore the greater picture doesn't work if you are thinking about it. If I said don't think of a panda it would be the first thing you think of.


I didn't mean to go all Ghandi it just sort of happened......

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But when you roleplay different characters, like good, evil, warrior, mage, thief,... You're aproaching the game in different ways, even if your main character, is an honorable pure warrior, you can still be satisfied with a more controversial character if you believe that's the hand you're dealt. fortie can inject the stormcloak ideals he believes are wrong into a new character, and play from there, without having to make a choice as a player.

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Never been able to make myself 'understand' the Stormcloak viewpoint. You have to accept too many contradictions, and I've never seen a nice logical argument for why I should join them. I've seen some 'theories' that have a lot of 'ifs', but no logical facts. I can understand the Thalmor weirdly enough, because even if they're crazy, if you look at their insane religious views, it all makes sense.


But I can't really understand some people who claim they want 'freedom of religion' while oppressing the religions of others... or people who continually claim that the land is 'theirs' when the Nords were all immigrants originally and have no more claim to that land than anyone else does. (And yes, I feel exactly the same about these matters in Reality.) I can't respect Talos, because I read too many books on him. I also can't respect him because he hasn't done anything with a war that's fought in his name, when he did appear in the past. Some argue the dragonborn is Tiber-Septim-reborn, but that makes me feel ill. Just because of his history. The other entities making up Talos are less awful, but from there on out it's just confusing, and I don't think the Nords want him to be anything other than 'just' Tiber-Septim.


And then of course, while some people think that the Dragonborn could become the emperor, and take over, or kill Ulfric, etc. etc, I don't think so. Simply because as is, there is no proof that the Dragonborn will do anything other than Vanish into the mists of time like all the 'heroes' before him. Plus Ulfric is essential unless you slay him for the Empire.


It might be just a game, but the Stormcloaks leave a bad taste in my mouth, and I have yet to find an argument that makes me re-consider them. The fact that I never play a nord so they're always inherently nasty to me doesn't help.

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When I first started playing, it was with the intention of being a rebel Stormcloak. As I progressed through the main and side quests my opinion changed and I ended up doing the Civil War in the Legion side. I have completed the Civil War at least a dozen times on the Imperial side and only twice as a Stormcloak. Both times as Stormcloak, I felt as though a traitor, especially after the conquest of Whiterun...and not helped by Ulfric's almost apologetic attitude. Yes people can bring out arguements to prove both sides are the correct choice and in the 'right' in the conflict...there are countless threads that have covered that...but I have come to the conclusion that the games lore has made it loose enough for both to be correct and it probably comes down to peoples personalities that have the final say to which side you feel 'comfortable' with

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