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How exactly are named unique guns in vendor inventories created?


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Crosspost from reddit.com/r/falloutmods


I know how vendors are constructed on the technical level. The containers (like VendorVault81Misc for Alexis Combes) do not contain any references to their respective legendary weapon however. So this means the gun is added by a script somehow. Fine.


I don't particularly care how the script does its work but I need to know the EditorID of that script and how the game puts The Overseers Guardian into Alexis' merchant container exactly. More exactly, I need to know which LL the script generates the legendary base item from and in which ESP record this happens, so I can change the legendary base item of The Overseers Guardian. Same for all other vendor-sold unique guns basically, TOG is just a nice example.


Anybody know how this works exactly? I would have expected a script having a direct reference to the vendor chests but that is not the case. I suspect the script will grab the ref to the merchant container by an alias instead but I don't understand aliases enough to be able to deconstruct the generation of those items.


Whatever the case may be, I've already tried changing LGND_PossibleLegendaryItemBaseLists_GunGroupHigh and LGND_PossibleLegendaryItemBaseLists_GunGroupLow but it does not seem like my changes to those lists are taken into account; I would assume those lists are only used for randomly generated legendaries on spawned mobs(?).

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I think I've found it by pure random chance.


There's LLs called "Aspiration_Weapon_*" that seem to be used by the "AspirationalItems" Quest, which seems to be what I'm after.


Edit: Also, good morning SKK50 ;-)

Edited by payl0ad
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