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[WIP] Project NIRN - the Everything Patch


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Enai you unbeliever!

I use aurora...

Decided to post this here as well.


Enai just an thought but would you think about making some negative effects to some of the perks as well?

For example: Symphony of Destruction could raise the cost of the spells by 5% every stack? so in 6 stacks when you have 120% (pretty huge amount) dmg increase it would increase the cost by 30% and so bringing more balance and immersion.

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Big fan of all your mods, eagerly awaiting this! :)


I majorly disagree with adding negative effects to perks-they aren't perks if they harm as much as they help. That sort of thing (trading perks for weaknesses in other areas) doesn't really make sense IMO. I guess that kind of thing's a matter of opinion.

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I have no problem with negative effects being tied to perks really. Its impossible to fail in skyrim atm anyway. Perks that involve nercromancy for instance should come at a price. I mean becomming a necromancer isnt somthing that people just do on a whim right? Like Shadowjin's sig says, its not for the faint of heart.


Since, the biggest problem in skyrim is the factions are just shallow and lack any significant consequences to the player in relation to the world. If enough perk functions are removed or moved to other areas, then maybe the perks trees could be used for a more "consequential experiance".

Edited by stuff444
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To expand on my former statement, I believe that perks with drawbacks should be chosen at the beginning of the game, as innate bonuses. I feel that that kind of thing is more immersive to have as a natural advantage/flaw-a little harder to roleplay suddenly gaining a random weakness than it is to roleplay being born weaker but more magically gifted than others.

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Shadowjin you understood me! (I hope.) Issa can you seriously think that having 100% magic resist and near that armor plus too much health and magicka is fun and immersive gaming experience? since this is what you can get from vanilla game and way too easily... Plus we have LOADS of mods that enhance your dmg and resists for the game (why?) so I was suggesting that some perks could have something-"

I do like your idea of choosing perks with drawbacks in the start of the game as well.


Edit: Enai when do we get the race ability changes?

Edited by Valadol
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This sounds really promising! :biggrin:


As a current user of SkyRe though, I'm a bit concerned about save file compatibility.

I'm guessing that if I wanted to switch over I'd have to start a new game?


The vanilla game (with Dragonborn) has a perk respec option. Ordinator will have a perk respec option (with or without Dragonborn). Does SkyRe have a respec option for its perks?

I think I already know the answer to that question, and it's called Vendor Lock-In.


Enai you unbeliever!

I use aurora...

Decided to post this here as well.


Enai just an thought but would you think about making some negative effects to some of the perks as well?

For example: Symphony of Destruction could raise the cost of the spells by 5% every stack? so in 6 stacks when you have 120% (pretty huge amount) dmg increase it would increase the cost by 30% and so bringing more balance and immersion.


I want to avoid negative effects because they could easily end up screwing people over, forcing me to provide a cheap respec option. I like Dragonborn's respec functionality, but having to waste a dragon soul just to try out a perk and discovering it is unplayable with your build is not a good deal (see also: Path of Exile).


There will be a few perks with negative effects, but they will be out of the way so you don't run into them on your way to other perks. Necromancers may not want to practice their stuff in broad daylight, for instance.


Then again every perk has a negative effect: its opportunity cost. That's one point you can't put into anything else.


I have no problem with negative effects being tied to perks really. Its impossible to fail in skyrim atm anyway. Perks that involve nercromancy for instance should come at a price. I mean becomming a necromancer isnt somthing that people just do on a whim right? Like Shadowjin's sig says, its not for the faint of heart.


Since, the biggest problem in skyrim is the factions are just shallow and lack any significant consequences to the player in relation to the world. If enough perk functions are removed or moved to other areas, then maybe the perks trees could be used for a more "consequential experiance".


How to be a necromancer and not get in trouble with the jarl:

- Buy Dragonborn

- Spend 1 dragon soul to respec out of your everyone-hates-me perks.

- Do your business.

- Put all of your points in again.


Hell it's cheaper than spending points into speech and illusion!


On the subject of illusion, there's a quite useful anonymity power you can obtain, as well as the ability to make friends and influence people.


To expand on my former statement, I believe that perks with drawbacks should be chosen at the beginning of the game, as innate bonuses. I feel that that kind of thing is more immersive to have as a natural advantage/flaw-a little harder to roleplay suddenly gaining a random weakness than it is to roleplay being born weaker but more magically gifted than others.


If every choice has a drawback then none of them do. :)

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1: level 1 @00, level 1 @25, level 3 @50

2: level 1 @25, level 1 @50, level 3 @75

3: level 1 @50, level 2 @75, level 3 @100

4: level 1 @75, level 2 @100, 15 points in tree

5: level 1 @100, 30 points in tree


Rough destruction tree:


1 Destruction Dual Casting Dual casting Destruction spells overcharges their effects, increasing effectiveness to 220/250/280% and magicka cost to 280%.

1 Destruction Mastery Reduces the casting cost of all Destruction spells by 40/50/60%.

2 Ashes to Ashes Fire spells and effects deal 20/40/60% more damage against targets below 35% health.

2 Glacial Prison Frost spells and effects last 4/8/12 seconds longer.

2 Static Discharge Shock spells and effects deal 15/30/45% more damage against running targets.

2 Rule By Force 4/7/10% chance when casting a spell to knock down nearby opponents.

2 Reap The Whirlwind All spell damage, duration and/or effectiveness increased by 20/30/40% for 5 seconds after getting hit by an attack.
2 Last Spark Destruction spells cost half as much Magicka to cast when you have 20/30/40% Magicka or less.

3 Scarring Flames
3 Avalanche
3 Shock and Awe Shock spells and effects are 50/100/150% more powerful against targets at full health.

3 Face Impact Dual casting destruction spells grants 33% chance to stun targets at a distance of up to 300/500/700 units.

3 Symphony of Destruction Each time you cast an elemental spell, your elemental spells are 10% more powerful for 5/10/15 seconds. Stacks up to 3/4/5 times.

3 Dire Arcana Destruction spells have 15% chance to critically strike for 1/2/3% bonus damage per level of Destruction.

4 Death By Cantrip
5 Unchained Magic




1 Illusion Dual Casting Dual casting Illusion spells overcharges their effects, increasing effectiveness to 220/250/280% and magicka cost to 280%.

1 Illusion Mastery Reduces the casting cost of all Illusion spells by 40/50/60%.

2 Bluff Mind altering spells affect targets up to 10/20/30 levels above their cap, but are less likely to work on overlevelled targets (100% -> 0%).

2 Master of the Mind Mind altering spells work against undead, automatons and daedra but at 60/30/0% reduced duration.

2 Boogie Man While you are invisible, casting cost of illusion spells is reduced by 50/75/100%.

2 Despair You deal 20/30/40% bonus damage with weapons against targets affected by a mind altering spell.

2 Quiet Casting Reduces the noise of any spells you cast by 70/85/100%.

2 Web of Lies Illusion spells gain bonus duration equal to 20/25/30% of your Illusion skill level in seconds.

3 Crush the Weak Mind altering spells always work and last three times as long, if the target is below 20/40/60% health.

3 Dire Charm
3 Pandemonium

3 Illusory Friendship
3 Dancing Shadows While you are invisible, you have 10/20/30% chance to evade incoming damage.

3 Naked Moon
4 Frame Power (1/day): target casts your equipped spells and draws aggro if an assault is committed.
5 Shroud of Anonymity

Edited by EnaiSiaion
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