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Cant Import NMM into Vortex


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I trying all day, importing NMM to Vortex, but is impossible....


The Vortex always stop in the error page, talking that NMM was not closed (I just reboot my PC), and always the same...


How Hell's, the vortex verify if the NMM is closed? What file i need delete, or XML/Json I need modify for me conclude this convert?


Please, Help me

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Hi there,


I'm afraid if you're encountering this error it means you NMM installation is corrupted and Vortex cannot correctly identify when all mods have been disabled. It may be best to simply copy the files from your NMM download folder into your Vortex download folder and uninstall all mods through NMM itself.

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And after you remove all your mods using NMM, and before you install them using Vortex - clean your game directory.

Remove everything not installed by Bethesda - and have Steam validate your installation. Too much work? Delete the game and reinstall. Less time, more download.

Games accumulate an amazing amount of cruft over the years - and Vortex will work better with a clean base.


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