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Random Encounter: the Dovahkiin


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I would like to see a mod that adds the dragonborn fighting against dragons and/or other enemies on a random chance scale of some kind. It would also be amazing to see him attack you based on whether or not you have a bounty or have joined the dark brotherhood, thieves guild, ect. simliar to how you hunt down bandits and assassins.


So as I have be playing Skyrim, like many others I wanted to play a game where I wasn't the dragonborn persay, but just some random person trying to make thier way. As I played the other characters, I really wanted to see the Dragonborn out in the world slaying the dragons that attack you and other citizens. He wouldn't show up everytime, but would have a random percent chance to spawn and fight against the dragon upon thier apearrence. Seeing him come in a blaze of glory to save people would help add to the effect that you aren't the dragonborn.

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I like this idea. It's like the old mod for Morrowind that made Jiub the Nerevarine. However...there's just one issue, and while I'm sure it's workable, it's not something I know how to do.

Dragon attacks aren't implemented until you complete Dragon Rising and discover that -you- are the dragonborn. So it would take a fair amount of scripting to shift the world around so that dragons would randomly spawn.


I love it though - the dragon crisis is still happening, but you aren't the centre of it anymore.

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Well, you could perhaps change the Main Quests so that, yes, you're doing some stuff, running about... Once you get into the Barrow Falls, perhaps you encounter the Dragonborn for the first time, and he joins you in your journey through it. Once you reach the word wall, he goes into some form of trance for a bit, while you go and nab the dragon tablet.


Soon after you finish Barrow Falls, you depart on your way, deliver the tablet to the jarl's wizard, only to have the Dragonborn show up again. As he helped you to get the tablet, the Jarl orders you both to head off to check on the tower, and then the dragonborn could be the one to finish the dragon off and absorb her (That dragon is a she, right? That name looks female) soul. Then comes some conversation between you, the Jarl's housecarl, and the dragonborn.


Once that happens you can have it random occurances, maybe with the Dragonborn randomly traveling about, you could even join up with him.


Such a change should either have a customizable dragonborn, or multiple dragonborns (After all, as a player, you can be a variety of differnent classes, you should see dragonborn of different sorts too). I mean, sure, just having the generic Horned Iron Helmet Warrior Dovahkiin would be decent, but sometimes you wanna encounter argonian archers or khajiit wizards. Not-you Dovahkiin doens't have to be Nord, you know, nor does it have to even be male.

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Dragon attacks aren't implemented until you complete Dragon Rising and discover that -you- are the dragonborn. So it would take a fair amount of scripting to shift the world around so that dragons would randomly spawn.

This already exists. The mod Immediate Dragons (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9621) makes it so dragons are appearing from day one. There are also alternate start quets that prevent the main quest from automatically starting.


So really, we're almost there. The only problem is the creation and implantation of the Dovahkinn. A modular Dovahkinn would be cool, but I think just starting with the dragonborn from the trailer would already be an amazing start. Anyone have any ideas how you would tie an added NPC to dragon spawning? I don't know anything about modding, but I'm sure it's possible!


Anyway, seconded! ;D

Edited by Sugars
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