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Freedom is the practise of working on ourselves and not to ban other ones.


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Unfortunately I'm not surprised about the content of the recent nexus network news.

Private company or not, there is a general social behavior for such company's that is juridical reflected by a public license and of course the constitutions all free nations.

Means even private company's like nexus had to respect opinions and it's expressions in every case they do not DIRECTLY harm anyone.

I wrote "directly" because we have to stay compatible to each other as much as we can but many context of "harm" can lead into incompatibility very quickly.


Banning people who want to express their opinions for any reasons and name them cowards - and even more cynically - tell them they will lose they hard work,

is exactly what a suppression means to be.


Respecting people who want to tell others what they think, especially regarding politics, is very important and marks the opposite of suppression.

Politically supressed people all over the world (north corea etc.) can confirm that every day!

It's a natural law and base requirement for peaceful living of us humans on earth. Even every doctor can tell you that suppression is not a healthy idea.


For people below 18 who can have problems to differentiate all that, there is already a feature within nexus.


To be a private company can not be a free ticket for fundamental misbehaviors.

Especially regarding such simple basics and the fact that mod autors have a function as customers. It's very absurd.


Btw, what is meaned with the multiple mentioned "we"?

Is there nobody within the nexus staff who has a completely different opinion? And even if thats the case, how you can be sure they just don't want to lose their jobs?


To summarize:

I want to find grown-up behavior within the network news, but it's hard for me to see any.

That would require more respect for other peoples and their work as creators and particially customers of the company and not the things I mentioned critically.

How we the people can live together peacefully, if we have such principles like banning people and tell them cowards etc.?

Hopefully I'm not such a coward...

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