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spears combat animations


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hello every one !

I don't know if it's the correct section but I'm asking anyway

I'm wondering and I don't know if it was already asked (probably) but is there a mod that add spears comat animation ? for now I only found spears models working like two handed swords


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Fraid not, so far its been to hard for the modders who do animations to do, however bethesda did a showreal of a somit jam week they had (its on utube) and that did have nice spear/quarterstaff animations, im guessing that even though the pc could do this, as they would have to release antything new 'cross platform' this it was kept on a hardrive never to see the light of day :( a distinct shame Bethesda cannot release code like this to the modders if they are never going to actualy release it.

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hello every one !

I don't know if it's the correct section but I'm asking anyway

I'm wondering and I don't know if it was already asked (probably) but is there a mod that add spears comat animation ? for now I only found spears models working like two handed swords


Go here and get the animation package AND the optional file Power Jab: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15930


Install any 1-HANDED spear mod or convert your 2handed spear to 1hand in the CK/nifskope. Use it with the power-jab animation and it works fantastic!

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