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Why "pre-generated optimization" in a game where the player can build & scrap stuff?

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To answer the question: It's the way it is, because Beth licensed Umbra for occlusion culling.

The limits (3x3 previs grid, etc) are due to Umbra technology.


I personally disapprove of it as well. But muh console... Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D

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To answer the question: It's the way it is, because Beth licensed Umbra for occlusion culling.

The limits (3x3 previs grid, etc) are due to Umbra technology.


I personally disapprove of it as well. But muh console... Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D

Interesting ....


Yeah if I were a game developer, I would also use some "existing technology" for things like that.

(Because I probably wouldn't be able to figure out a way to do it myself without the game running a 2 frames per second ...)

The whole "occlusion culling" thng is like magic:

People know what it does and how to use it, but nobody knows how it actually works on a "low level" ...



Yeah, it is annoying that PC games are "limited" because they need to be compatible withe "consoles" ...

(But that is another rant for another day ...)

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Its not a rant, its an economic fact that the PC platform does not offer up a large enough paying audience to make AAA development investments.


Its also a fact that "write once run many" is the only economic approach to consumer software development, therefore limited to the capability of the lest performant target platform.


Economics may be inconvenient, but Liberty Prime can explain how they are non negotiable. Prove him wrong.

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You know SKK, if PC games could at least get their own UI module, that would be great..

I still believe that some day, some corporation will realize this and make the world a truly better place. Hehe...



> People know what it does and how to use it, but nobody knows how it actually works on a "low level" ...


Here's an article explaining some of the techniques: https://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/131801/occlusion_culling_algorithms.php


The funny thing is that DirectX supports hardware accelerated occlusion culling since... 9.0 (although it wasn't really useful until 12.0, due to some issue with something, I don't remember)

But... Umbra doesn't care: https://gamingbolt.com/directx-12-wont-have-any-effect-on-umbras-occlusion-culling-tech-faster-cpus-help


You buy expensive AF 3rd party tech, and then you get no support. Haha...


Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D

Alternatively, buy AMD (or Intel?) stock as well.


I wonder though, when will software occlusion culling become more expensive (in overall terms of processing) than doing it in real time on raytracing hardware, hence rendering the "optimization" totally moot? Today?

Now there's an idea for an F4SE Plugin to make use of your nvidia RTX !

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Money talk is a sad reality of life.

We all want to eat and sleep in a warm bed, after we shut our PCs down.


But SKK, marketing is the answer. I mean, it gets people to pay premium for silly blinking RGB led strips on their graphics cards.

Make it a DLC module or something. The PC Master Race upgrade, only $39.90 today.

Have a guerillia campaign on youtube. Have some influencers shame "console UI userslamers" by likening them to people driving replica kit cars.

I also envision an ad series: A john deere (voice from the off: "You didn't want this"), a Ferrari (voice: "So you bought this"). Cut to user smiling and nodding. And then "the game industry" (some folks dressed in oompah-loompah costumes storm onto the stage, screaming and trashing abouts) butchering the Ferrari by attaching the tractor's wheels and driver cabin to it, using wire cutters, a power drill and a hot snot gun.

Cut to user chasing after the oompah-loompahs, desperately trying to stop them from ruining the car.

Slogan: Don't do this to your investment. Upgrade today!

Cut to "SKK" logo. 1.3 Seconds then fade to black.


Alternatively, the ad could use a console and a PC and the oompah-loompahs then stuff your beautiful PC hardware into a console case, using a sledgehammer, an obscenely large power drill and a hot snot gun.

Maybe that'd be even better, if only for the scene where an oompah-loompah smashes your keyboard into pieces and glues a controller onto the abomination in a very (but not quite exactly) Playstation-like case.

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