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Give Hydraclaw burrow ability


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I am making a custom deathclaw called hydraclaw.

I want it to be able to burrow, but I don't see in GECK a setting that states enable burrow or tunnel. I have looked at rad scorpions Nd mole rats, but don't see anything obvious.


I see that both have tunnel entrance and tunnel exit animations. There are sounds for burrowing. There is a keyword that disables tunneling.


Any insights or suggestions will be appreciated!



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Have a look at the T"unnelingRaceFX" script. (Unpack all the game archive files into some folder somewhere, NOT THE INSIDE THE ACTUAL DATA FOLDER, and have a look at the "scripts" folder. You will probably have to decompile the scripts, there is a tool for that somewhere on the Nexus ...)


You will see lots of references to "SubGraph" stuff ...

You will probably have to generate those for your new race.


(I believe that that "SubGraph" thing is what "controls" the "behavior" of actors, but I don't know ...)


(And the tools needed for that are probably not available anywhere ...)



But I have no idea about how to do something like this, I just had a quick look ...

Edited by YouDoNotKnowMyName
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I didn't think of scripts would be the way! I kept searching for everything I could through xedit and geck. Thanks I will start there and see what I can find out:)

Yes, I think there is maybe a formlist that defines what creatures can "tunnel" or something like that.

Or the needed scripts are just attached to the base reference ...


But like I said, I have never done something like this ...

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I have extracted and decompiled with champollion the scripts. I looked at the tunnelingracefx.psc looks like it just triggers the dirt as they enter or exit.


Not seeing a way to add to races. Description says: "adds fx for tunneling actors by magic fx on race"



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I will look at the actions. Not sure where that would be assigned.

I did find a custom creature mode that has burrowing spiders:

They used the rad scorpion as a base for that mod though.

I will compare using xedit Bloodworms, molerats, rad scorpions, and rad spiders and see if I can see commonalities.

Thanks for the help so far! :D

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There is a "DisableTunnelingKeyword" per mention: No More Tunneling Creatures

Stands to reason there must be "Tunneling" Keyword someplace...

Keep in mind: tunneling implies teleportation underground (read posts related to above).

(There is one particularly telling anecdote about someone sniping a radscorpion dead from afar and getting hit by it at the same time).

Not the most debugged mechanic in the game...

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