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SKSE and high-res warpaints refusing to work


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I seriously don't get it. I've been trying to get the SKSE hires tintmask fix to work on and off for a solid month to no avail, and I haven't seen anyone else reporting this problem.
I've got SKSE installed correctly and running in the game, checked through the console. I've got high resolution tint masks in my Data folders, and the SKSE.ini text file created under \data\SKSE with the line '[Display] iTintTextureResolution=2048' that it should have. I still get low-res warpaints ingame. Using high-res ones on my custom races doesn't work either, so it's not just vanilla assets being the problem.

I've tried reinstalling SKSE and recreating the INI file, nope. Reinstalled HD warpaints, nope. I don't know what's going wrong and it's starting to frustrate me as I'd like to include HD paints with a future race mod release and I really need to test them myself.
I'm running the base game on Ultra so it can't be downgrading the textures on that end either.

Anyone had this happen? Possible solutions, anything I might be overlooking? :/

Edited by nuska
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Sorry Nuska, it was from STEP guide for ..a plugin but then i've check a mod which use exactly this ini



SKSE Hi Res Tattoo Warpaint .ini Tweak

1. Put the SKSE folder into your Skyrim folder.»»»»i did , the whole skse folder (with the ini in) is my main dir now [with Tesv.exe]

*NOTE: You MUST have the new version of SKSE installed first to make this work!


then i've used it and Warpaint & Scars


well hope it help you

Edited by korun
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  • 2 months later...

I don't know if you've tried this, but I also copied the ini file from the SKSE under data also to the main folder where skse loader is. My vanilla textures look like crap, I have to find something to replace them with, but all mods are working now.

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I'm sure you've been careful in creating the .ini file....but all I could 'add' as a suggestion...would be to verify that you don't have any extra spaces in your text. I was amazed at how one tiny space in an .ini file had me so hosed up once in the past.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm having the same problem... I used to have the high-res paints, but I reinstalled skyrim and my mods and I can't get it to work for the life of me... it's really frustrating, because I finally tweaked my ENB preset and everything else looks dazzling, except the damn fugly warpaints. I'm going to keep trying, if I figure this out, I'll post... if anyone finds out, please let me know.


Edit: so I messed around with the skse.ini to see if it was doing anything, made resolution 8, 128, 512, 1024 and 2048... in all cases there was no visible effect. Looks like the tweak is not working at all... which means either the skse.ini isn't being read, the tweak is wrong somehow, or the ini isn't where it's supposed to be.

Edited by Gudiomen
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  • 2 weeks later...

so i had the same problem and what i've done to solve it: i put the skse. ini file in the following folders = Skyrim\src\skse | Skyrim\Data\SKSE | Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins


hope it'll help someone

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