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Sir. Daniel Fortesque


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Do you know what Skyrim needs?




That Guy.


Sir Daniel Fortesque has been brought to life, to save what he thinks is Gallowmere.

For there is no truer hero that has ever held a chalice of heroes before.

But alas! Sir Daniel was captured by his own kin! Sentenced to death perhaps because they didn't

like his spot on gaze, and cool looks. No matter, before they could behead the hero, Sir Daniel

will meet face to face with his next enemy...



Please, someone make this a mod for skyrim.


Skyrim, Medievil Edition.


Would you support this mod?

Edited by Reporter13
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That would be interesting. Instead of dragons giving him their soul, he'd get "chalices" from regular person-type enemies and use special abilities (read: GATLING GUNS) with those.


The word walls would actually be a doorway to some friend of his who gives him bits of those powers.

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