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SSeedit won't show mods


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Hello, I've seen a few people have this problem before but I still can't seem to fix it myself. When I run SSEedit through MO2 the only files I have the option of editing on the list are the main games master files and DLCs. I dont see any of the mods I've loaded through MO2 on the list. I'm also having this problem with the creation kit, but I'm just running it normally not through MO2.

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Where is SSEEdit actually installed? It should be in your main Skyrim directory. Then point MO to the file location to run it.


If you aren't running the CK through MO, it won't see your mods because they aren't in your Data folder like it expects them to be.

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The creation kit problem is pretty obvious when running it outside of MO2-Mod organiser does a virtual install of mods it doesnt actually put anything into your games data folder.CK doesnt know where the mods are actually located and so it will only show what is in your data folder(master files/DLCs etc)Thats why you have to set up the executable to run via MO2.


Same is true for SSEedit,but you say you are running it via MO2 and yet you have the exact same problem.This suggests that you havent set it up properly.All mods must be installed by MO2.SSEedit should never be installed inside your game folder.Some anti-virus programs may block parts of MO2 and you may need to set exclusions(there is info on this on the MO2 description page)

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