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Tonal Architecture Magic System Mod


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  • 3 weeks later...

I think a tonal architecture magic system mod would be cool for a dwemer, dwemer enthusiast, or clockwork apostle playthrough

This is a good idea but it will remain just an idea without someone giving it more love. A magic system needs to be designed and planned out, with particular thought given to how it will be implemented in the game engine, before it can be turned into a mod.


Some questions that might be useful:


Will it use magicka, or if not what resources will 'casting' spells use?

Will synethesia play a role?

Who can become a tonal architect and what prerequisites will there be?

Does a player have to learn spells and how do they do that (for example, there's a spell research mod that makes learning and using spells much more immersive)

What type of spells are there and are there different aspects to the art?

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