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Relentless CTDs caused by "Adoption Scheduler"


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As for adding mods or changing the load order, I honestly don't know. I don't *think* I changed anything around that time, but I certainly have added several mods since the time I met and adopted her.


Here's how it went. When I first met and spoke to Sofie, I did not own a house yet. I offered to adopt her. She asked me if I had a house she could go to. I said no.


A few in-game days later, I was back at Whiterun. I purchased the house, and all of the upgrades- including the child's bedroom.


About a day later, I was back in Windhelm (I said Winterhold earlier by mistake) and caught up to Sofie again. This time, when she asked me if I had a home for her, I said yes. She then told me she'll gather her things and meet me at home.


It was late, but I decided I would ride through the night and get home before her. I was delayed, though, and got caught up in some minor sidequests. But, to the best of my recollection, I believe I arrived in Whiterun the next evening. (Bear in mind that my timescale is 1RL->5Sky)


When I entered the house, Sofie was standing in the dining area. I spoke to her, and she delivered the same line: "I need to get my things. I'll meet you at home." Then she ran out of the house, and out of the Whiterun interior city-space.


That's pretty much it. From the time I adopted her, to the time I saw her back in Whiterun, was probably one continuous play session... so I don't think I added any mods during that time.

Edited by Moogiefluff
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  • 2 months later...

I've modded whole adoption system in my game and this is a common problem, that I can't figure out too... 1 from 10 adoption attempts ends with this issue (in vanilla skyrim)..

if the kid dialogue in new home (or anywhere you'll find the child after adoption) is still the same like just after being adopted ("i can't wait' or "let me just pack my things and say goodbye to everyone ......"), then it is sign that the byohrelationshipadoptionscheduler quest failed to start..

you can try via console to select the child and type:

setfactionrank xx004290 25 (xx is your loadorder number of HF)
setav variable06 1.0
setav variable07 1.0
setstage byohrelationshipadoptionscheduler 0

the correct child-dialogue should be available now, but the quest usualy fails to start anyway... so the children won't be doing anything or could be warped randomly into player houses or the orphanage..

you can check the status of Adoption Scheduler quest via console by typing:

sqv byohrelationshipadoptionscheduler

.. so the only solution that I know, is to go back to save before 1st adoption and try luck again..

anyway... It doesn't matter how much errors you find in papyrus log about adoption or HF in general.. because none of these are usualy causing CTD's


Edited by cube21dj
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