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BSA and LF question


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I need to ask a question about TES/CK preferred file usage:


What file(s) would be used by Skyrim/CK if mymod.bsa was present when the loose files were also present?


Would the game/CK use the BSA or loose files, and would it cause conflicts?


Thanks in advance =)

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Simply put, loose files take priority over .BSA files, so the loose files will load after .BSA files - therefore replacing any "conflicting" files / adjustments that may be present in a .BSA file.


Skyrim will work like this as default, but in order for a .BSA to be recognised within Creation Kit the SkyrimEditor.ini file (located in Skyrims main folder) will need the .BSA filename included in the following line...




Once your .BSA has been added to the Resource Archive List then CK will use the same priority system as Skyrim itself.

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As LargeStyle said, loose files take priority over the BSAs. Therefore, it is totally fine to have your BSA and your loose files. Just remember to re-pack the BSA for your users if your loose file data should change.


Also remember to change that SkyrimEditor.ini entry if you should with to work on a different mod. It might screw things up if an included BSA modified the same stuff.

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