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Mod Organizer 2 Help - App Resolution?


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HELP! I'm not sure if this is the place to ask this, but I'm having trouble finding an answer through google searching. (every result is about Skyrim's resolution, not the resolution of the mod organizer program itself).


I've recently installed Mod Organizer 2 and I've run into an issue where the size of the mod organizer window is too tall for my screen. I cannot get to the bottom corner of the window in order to drag it in to a shorter size: it cuts off half the word 'Overwrite' at the bottom of the mod list, and the log section showing what action has just completed is totally hidden past the bottom of my screen. All the text is also really large.


Other program windows are correctly sized, such as google chrome and my old Mod Organizer 1. Why would this single program be showing at larger resolution/size than everything else?


Because I'm using a TV as my monitor and it's across the room, I do have my "scale layout" setting at 150%, but like I said all other programs open in windows that fit just fine within the bounds of my screen. At the moment the only way I can properly use Mod Organizer 2 is to switch the 'scale layout' back down to 100% while using it - but I think that may mess with things once I actually run Skyrim from it? In any case it's tedious to switch a setting back and forth whenever I want to use Mod Organizer (and end up squinting at any other folders or applications I might switch between which then look much smaller than usual).


Is there any way to change the resolution of this single program? Is that even what needs to be done to fix this? I'm at a loss.

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Only 2 things i know of is - MO2 settings/workarounds/Reset Window Geometry



And windows itself - ModOrganizer.exe/Properties/Compatibility/Change high DPI settings and try the options in there. ----High DPI scaling override for example.

Edited by kryten397
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  • 6 months later...
  On 10/15/2020 at 7:09 PM, kryten397 said:

And windows itself - ModOrganizer.exe/Properties/Compatibility/Change high DPI settings and try the options in there. ----High DPI scaling override for example.


Thanks for that.

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  • 3 years later...

This may be a old topic but i was looking a solution for the same problem and found a solution.

the problem may be caused like it was for me because i am using a 4k TV as a monitor so my desktop resolution its 3840 x 2160 (4k) but since that makes the text small i also have enabled in windows the option where it says ( Change the size of text, apps, and other items ) to the 175%, and i need to use like that if not i will not be able to read anything from my couch thats mainly the problem thats why MO2 interface text looks so big so to fix this just the app not all the other text you need to do this


in the exe of the app (and every other app want to fix this) right click and click on properties > Compatibility tab > Change High DPI Settings > High DPI scaling override > ( and choose " System )

click OK and relaunch the program and now the text will be ok at least that fix it for me

Edited by magtanos
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If MO2's title bar is still on screen, hit the icon in the top left corner.  You'll get a menu that includes "Maximize", "Minimize", "Resize", and other such options.  (This menu has existed in Windows title bars in some form or another at least since Windows 2.0 or 3.0.)

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