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A request for all modders wanting to build something BIG


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This isn't really a specific request so much as a suggestion. I was poking around on Nexus not long ago and found this: SGsUA - No Borders


Without the borders there is an ungodly amount of empty space to fill, with minimal landscaping. All sorts of room to create your masterpiece, without worries about conflicting with anything from the vanilla game.


It's a big world out there - let's put stuff in it. :smile:

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I know there's an edge out there, I'm just saying they gave us plenty of space between the "You can't go further" message and the actual edge of the map. Head out there, you'll see what I mean. There are the occasional floating rocks, and the missing backsides on some terrain pieces, but those are easy to fix or remove.


Tenpenny Tower, looking back from the South:






Further out:






I'm clear off the Pipboy map here.


One more:



My location marker has gone right off the Pipboy display. Not much point in going farther, as I have no way of judging the distance.

I'm not expecting anyone to build this far over the border, but it looks to me like Bethesda game us plenty of room to play in before hitting the drop, at least to the south. I'll be going north later to see just how far that goes.

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And there's still rocks and trees to the south of that last pic. They even decorated out this far, I'm thinking they knew we'd try to use it.


This whole thing was brought on by a mod I saw this morning that bulldozed the Dunwich Building so he could put in his "Vault city". There's a bobblehead and an unmarked quest in there. (Granted, he said he was having problems with the geck and dropped it down in the first place he found. He didn't sound too inclined to move it though.)


Outside that border, more than enough space and no worries about accidentally plowing over something interesting.

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And there's still rocks and trees to the south of that last pic. They even decorated out this far, I'm thinking they knew we'd try to use it.

I think most of the landscape was actually generated instead, and Bethesda then did fine-tuning in all the areas we actually can go to. Oblivion has the same weird floating rocks etc. outside of the proper map area.


Unfortunately creating a new worldspace or even extending the existing one is a long-term process that takes a lot of time and dedication. For Oblivion, Silgrad Tower has been in development since at least February 2007, and they're still not near a release.


I have no doubt we will see extended land for Fallout 3 in the coming months though. The sheer amount of talent and dedication already seen within two months of release (and less than one month of the editor) on this site is very promising.

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  • 5 months later...
Sorry to renew this dead topic but is anyone working on, or is it possible to remove the border and change the pip map to extend into the edge for building purposes. I know that GTS exists but I would much rather add new areas to the original map, but bethesda didn't leave that much room for growth. I was a small mod that removes the game border, but could the pip map be extended ect.
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