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[Steam] I always have Vanilla, even with loaded Data Files [Wrye Bash]


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Hi All,


No matter what mods I load, my Oblivion does not seem to change from Vanilla.


I am using Wrye Bash (Wrye Bash 307 (Standalone), CBash v0.7.0: Default [sI]) and the following tutorials:





I installed the Stability Mods and checked to find the game working, then the Texture Packs mods and checked to find... nothing looked different.


All the appropriate Data Files show up correctly in the Oblivion Launcher, including my bashed patch. Changes appear in the Oblivion Launcher's Data Files in accordance with changes to Wrye Bash.


But when I launch the game, I just get vanilla. With two exceptions:


I see the loading screen when the game starts that looks like a piece of paper folded in quarters with the daedric O in the middle, and I have two keys in my inventory: Unofficial Oblivion Patch and Unofficial Shivering Isles.


If it helps, my game location is:


...and in this folder is my Mopy with Wrye Bash.


Help? :(


P.S.: I see references to Archive Invalidation and/or changing dates on files, but I can't for the life of me find an Archive Invalidation or BSA Redirection within Wrye Bash, and batch changing all the dates of all mod files to today's date has no effect.



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The Steam version of the game comes with a special "feature" added by Steam ... they change the dates on all of the vanilla game BSA files to a modern date, and thus break BSA Redirection (the recommended method of archive invalidation).


One way to fix it is using Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) ... it's just Utilities -> Archive Invalidation -> select BSA Redirection -> click on Reset BSA Timestamps -> click on Update Now -> done.


You can still use Wrye Bash for mod management and installation ... OBMM just offers a quick and easy way to de-Steamify your BSA files. If you then backup all of the fixed vanilla game BSAs to a folder you can uninstall OBMM afterwards. The next time that Steam does some sort of update and breaks things again just restore the properly dated BSAs from backup.

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BSA file date matters when you're going to do BSA redirection.


File dates from old disc version

(format: yyyy-mm-dd)

Oblivion - Meshes.bsa: 2006-01-29

Oblivion - Misc.bsa: 2006-02-08

Oblivion - Sounds.bsa: 2006-01-30

Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa: 2006-01-30

Oblivion - Voices1.bsa: 2006-01-24

Oblivion - Voices2.bsa: 2006-01-24

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