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Which animal are you


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Congratulations. (You passed The Animal in You Test.)

You are either a Porcupine or a Snake personality.

But you may also be a Mountain Goat personality.


NOTE: Although you share characteristics with these animals, you are ONLY one of these personality types..

Read the descriptions of each animal to determine which one you are.






Heh......I'd say I'm all of those and none of those, I can take parts of what was said in each one and they'd fit me quite nicely and then disregard the rest as they dont. Still I'd have to say a pretty good test nonetheless.


- Raz

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  • 2 months later...

Congratulations. (You passed The Animal in You Test.)


You are either a Wild Dog or a Wolf personality.

But you may also be a Owl personality.


NOTE: Although you share characteristics with these animals, you are ONLY one of these personality types..

Read the descriptions of each animal to determine which one you are.




Wild Dog

Genera and species: Canis canidae

this is pretty much me :blink:

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