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2 small, but annoying, bugs I want to fix


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So, after about 6 or 7 years, I reinstalled oblivion along with all of my mods (244 mods to be exact lol)


I've noticed two bugs that don't ruin gameplay, but bother me for immersion reasons.



1. Even during the sunny daylight, NPCs will carry and equip torches




2. Oblivion Gates don't cause the red stormy sky until you enter the realm. The red sky will pop up, and then 5 seconds later it goes away back to a normal sky....




Any tips and suggestions would be great, thanks!



P.S. I'll post my mods and load order if someone explains to me how to show my HUGE list

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The weather near the randon Oblivion gates is controlled buy the OblivionGateRandomScript which means you probably have a mod that alters it.


To discover the culprit: open Oblivion.esm, open OblivionGateRandomScript, modify it (edit the timer for example), save as a new plugin then look for conflicts using Oblivion/TES mod manager.


When you found the mod that alters the script, load it using TES4Edit, right-click on OblivionGateRandomScript -> delete and your problem should be fixed.



Fixing the torches problem will probably be more complicated since any mod can use AI packages with torches.

RefScope should give you the AI schedules the NPC's use. If the AI package is a vanilla one you'll have to modify it and do like for the Oblivion gates script. If the AI package is mod-specific you'll have to modify it to make it more consistent.

Edited by Oblivionaddicted
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