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Sunny Oblivion


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Folks i need help to find a alternative to naural enviroments mod since all that mod is doing is make it rain constantly.

This is particuly annoying after comming back from skyrim in order to get a tan.

But Natural enviroments mod has so many great features in it that i wouldn neceserly uninstall it so i tough there must be a way to fix this, i was thinking of delet all the rain files but need to know how to do it.

So if someone knows how to fix it, it would make my day, and if not please recommend a sunny enviroment mod.


ps. Oblivion is awesome


ps. Im awesome


ps. you are awsome




Sign: Eldav the Khajiit


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I know there is a fix for that problem but I can't put my finger on it at the moment. I'm certain it didn't involve deleting files (I'm thinking it was an ini tweak, but it's kinda fuzzy). Look through the mod comments. Maybe I saw the solution in there or maybe it was in another thread. If I find it or remember more I'll report back.


- Edit - If it's Natural Environments by Max Tael you're using I know Hickory always used to tell people to use Weather - All Natural instead (more recently updated and less buggy if I recall correctly).

Edited by Striker879
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