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No matter what we may think or want when it comes to the internet, here we are guests in Dark0ne's "house". As guests, we either accept his decisions and rules and continue to enjoy his hospitality, or we do not and move on.


I can understand the desire to remove our own posts, but if we made a mistake with it somehow, we have the edit button. If we wish to retract the post completely because we realize it was something we should just not have said in the first place, we own up to it, apologize for it and move on from there.


That said, I agree with what The Vampire Dante just said about the possibility of the feature being abused by trolls and/or pirates. Even though it may be creating more work for the staff, it will allow the community to continue to be able to keep watch for and report problematic members.

Edited by Druuler
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I am not saying that we should mindlessly accept things. I am all for voicing our concerns and debating them. Sometimes that will result in things we want, and sometimes it will not. At the end of the day, we are a community, but not a democracy. Dark0ne's decisions are final. We do not have to like them, but we have to live with them.


Personally, in regards to being able to delete our own posts, I don't see the need for it. My reasons being more or less in my previous post. I am not trying to change your mind, nor am I saying you are entirely wrong. I have said my piece on the subject (which is something I rarely do), and will now "exit stage left" and leave you lot to it.


Be well.

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we can't do anything about it...

Dark0ne decided to remove a very important feature..


it's his decision..

this is his site...

what can we do?

Edited by Loshirai14
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There are reasonable arguments on both sides, i just don't thinks its something worth removing.


It is a symbiotic relationship, we are sold advertising and premium accounts, this is a business, and like any business the customer has a say.


Anyway that's about all i can argue.

Edited by chromechris
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In response to post #7490558.

what if it's my own comment?

what reason will i write?

will i write "because i want to delete my own comment"

would you delete it?

Having seen the kind of abuse this opens up on other sites I agree with Dark0ne's decision. And yes, if I see a you have a reason for wanting to remove your own comment, I will do it - as I have in the past. :cool:

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